corona-warn-app / cwa-app-ios

Native iOS app using the exposure notification framework from Apple. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
Apache License 2.0
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ENErrorDomain-Fehler 11/13 #759

Closed chk-code closed 4 years ago

chk-code commented 4 years ago

Avoid duplicates

Describe the bug

After opening the app, this error pop up is shown immediately. It pops up twice, fast after each other.

Expected behaviour

Status Update of the current screen and data in the background.

Steps to reproduce the issue

First time error code was 11 5EFB2089-61DB-4E85-AC8C-64BD317421CB

Now, it says error code 13 F589721C-A826-4FC4-8915-D88A8F0F6319

  1. Open the app
  2. Wait

(7/14 Days active. Last Update of the Status: Vorgestern)

Technical details

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-1911

chk-code commented 4 years ago

App was closed and hard closed a couple of times, But no difference in the behavior.

I remember that some days ago I received a system notification from the Tracking protocol that something went wrong.

Seems like this error comes from the Tracking Protocol?

pstadt commented 4 years ago

Same problem here (ENErrorDomain-Fehler 11), iPhone SE, iOS 13.5.1

Disappeared after restart of phone.

felixoi commented 4 years ago

I've the same issue. iPhone XS Max, iOS 13.5.1

chk-code commented 4 years ago

Same problem here (ENErrorDomain-Fehler 11), iPhone SE, iOS 13.5.1

Disappeared after restart of phone.

Restart didn’t fixed it for me.

haosap commented 4 years ago

Hi @chk-code , Thanks for your report. We will try to reproduce this issue. Meanwhile, copied directly from the header file of EN Framework.

 ENErrorCodeInternal = 11, /// Internal error. This indicates a bug in this framework. 

It seems an issue of the framework. We'll also align with Apple.

tens0rfl0w commented 4 years ago

This error occurs when the API gets called to often in an internal defined time frame. So there has to be a breakpoint where the hook-up function gets into a loop calling the framework or a wrong condition leading to multiple calls. (This is related to Error code 13/rate limited)

It makes sense that the error occurred now, and not earlier, because today was the first time the app actually called the API to check matching key identifiers.

@chk-code Did the app accessed the framework? You can check that under Settings app->Privacy->Health->“COVID-19 Exposure Logging“. Under „Active apps“ there is a grey text where you can see the number of times the framework was accessed. Under „Exposure Checks“ you can also get a JSON output of the check. So you can see if the access was successful.

chk-code commented 4 years ago

@tens0rfl0w Seems like it didn’t access the api? image

Still getting the error message, after some hours

tens0rfl0w commented 4 years ago

@chk-code Ok, thank you! You are right, there was no successful access to the framework from the app. Seems like it is an internal framework bug like @haosap already pointed out. Would be interesting to know if error 13/„rate limited“ occurred because the app run into internal error 11 and retried connecting to the API to often, or if error 13 happened first and after that the API broke.

haosap commented 4 years ago

Hi @tens0rfl0w @chk-code , We have already addressed this to Apple and are waiting for the response from Apple. Thanks for reporting this issue. cc @ChristianKienle

mf71 commented 4 years ago

Same error for me. @tens0rfl0w for me it's only error 11. I did get it first a few minutes ago. I did install on day one and didn't start/restart the app frequently. IphonXs. Btw I am also getting the "Region fĂźr die Kontaktmitteilung.." message since time of Installation.

ForlornWongraven commented 4 years ago

Same issue as @chk-code reported appeared on my iPhone 11 after a restart.

toddy commented 4 years ago

I have also the error 11/13. Yesterday it works like the other days before without this issue.

Siska2 commented 4 years ago

Same here : / on my IPhone 11 Pro

thomasaugsten commented 4 years ago

Did somebody get this error with 13.6 Beta2?

dnuc commented 4 years ago

I also have error 13 since yesterday. It worked the days before without any issue. Iphone XR - iOS 13.5.1 Restart does not help.

npasslick commented 4 years ago

Same error for me (since 23.06.2020). Restart did not fix the issue for me.

Although the app itself regularly indicated a refresh in the risk pane during the last nine days of tracing, the COVID-19 protocol of iOS seems never to have been accessed successfully (iOS settings indicates zero accesses to the protocol, checked daily).

Additionally, an iOS warning "Not enough storage space for COVID-19 tracing" popped up once, although plenty of space is available.

Model: iPhone 6S OS: iOS 13.5.1 Tracing: 9/14 days Last update: 23.06.2020 15:50

BettinaPfeifer commented 4 years ago

same here, first domain-error 11 occured, now domain-error 13, iPhone 7, iOS 13.5.1, tracing 9/14 days, Aktualisiert: vorgestern The "not enough storage space" also showed up yesterday, but vast amount of storage available.

EDIT: as others mentioned before, later that day, this error disappeared by itself. :-)

kraftzwerg commented 4 years ago

I have excactly the same Error "ENErrorDomain-Fehler 13" aktualisiert: vorgestern Tracing 7/14 Days (that was two days ago, and does not count higher anymore) Iphone 8. IOS 13.5.1 Restarting the IPhone did not help.

For me after two days of struggeling i found the best solution for me: Just uninstall the app and wear a mask.

Its a shame

chk-code commented 4 years ago

Somehow, today the problem solved itself for me. I have an updated status from 8am. image

Also, I can see that the Framework had 2 successful calls (privacy-health-COVID 19)

Seems like something happened in the background or the deadlock recovered?

Cc: @haosap @tens0rfl0w

pavshr commented 4 years ago

Hello, guys

I work on the Danish app. We see this error (ErrorCode 11) as well. Based on our observation, this issue occurs when the phone submits the zips files with the keys to the EN API for detecting exposures. Then it returns this error (ErrorCode 11) from EN API, if we go to Settings and check COVID-19 logging page there are no exposure checks on the phone, on which we are able to reproduce the problem. Basically, it means that the error is thrown when doing exposure detection and leads to termination of the exposure detection process.

We are now trying to update the device to 13.6 beta and see if the error remains there.

thomasaugsten commented 4 years ago

Can you confirm that the errors are gone after one day waiting?

Siska2 commented 4 years ago

It is solved for me too!! I reinstalled the app several times. Today it seems to be working. iOS 13.5.1, iPhone 11 Pro

toddy commented 4 years ago

Can you confirm that the errors are gone after one day waiting?

Is it necessary to reinstall the app like Siska2 referred?

pavshr commented 4 years ago

If the error 11 is somehow related to error 13 (would be great to get an insight on that from Apple), which I understand is the case for the German app, then it should help to wait one day. On iOS there is a limit on how many key files you are allowed to submit to EN API during the day. This limit is set to 15 files (src). In other words, if you have already submitted 15 files today, then you need to wait one day to call detectExposures again without error being thrown. On the other hand, if you try to submit more than 15 files during the day, we would expect error 13 to be thrown, but for some reason error 11 is thrown too in your case.

thomasaugsten commented 4 years ago

Error 13 is the rate limit of 15 files. Error 11 is an internal error of the framework. The app are retrying the risk analysis at every start until it reached the rate limit error 13. After one day all errors are gone.

PeterDanie commented 4 years ago

I have excactly the same Error "ENErrorDomain-Fehler 13", it shows twice when opening the app. Iphone X, IOS 13.5.1 Restarting the IPhone and reinstalling the app did not help.

ForlornWongraven commented 4 years ago

I have excactly the same Error "ENErrorDomain-Fehler 13", it shows twice when opening the app. Iphone X, IOS 13.5.1 Restarting the IPhone and reinstalling the app did not help.

Does reinstalling reset your data collection?

pavshr commented 4 years ago

Restarting the phone and reinstalling the app would not help for error 13, because this key file limit is an iOS setting, and is not reset by restarting the phone or deleting the app. Only a factory reset of the device or iOS software update seem to reset the limit in our tests.

PeterDanie commented 4 years ago

I have excactly the same Error "ENErrorDomain-Fehler 13", it shows twice when opening the app. Iphone X, IOS 13.5.1 Restarting the IPhone and reinstalling the app did not help.

Does reinstalling reset your data collection?

Yes, unfortunately it does.

PeterDanie commented 4 years ago

Restarting the phone and reinstalling the app would not help for error 13, because this key file limit is an iOS setting, and is not reset by restarting the phone or deleting the app. Only a factory reset of the device or iOS software update seem to reset the limit in our tests.

Ok, yes, I see, thx!

arnegns commented 4 years ago

hi, I had the same error 11. iPhone 11 iOS 13.5.1. After restart (no reinstalling) it is working again. But now I have 3 entries in the contact protocol. Two of the same day.

2FF87E3B-4E77-4759-948E-D116CC0FA1A5 D13A1522-76ED-4892-B7B8-8559AF95D73B

swgm commented 4 years ago

Team, same here,

Iphone X, iOS 13.5.1

patdre commented 4 years ago

Hello, same issue (ENErrorDomain-Fehler 13) here on iPhone XS, iOS 13.5.1, App-Version 1.0.2. Restarting didn’t help.

ForlornWongraven commented 4 years ago

Fixed itself as well. Just got two different sets of keys.

MichaWen commented 4 years ago

Hello, two days ago I've got "ENErrorDomain-Fehler 11" and yesterday "ENErrorDomain-Fehler 13" on my iPhone SE, iOS 13.5.1,App-Version 1.0.2 (2).

Restart didn't help but after I deactivated and reactivated the Settings "Änderung Ihres Infektionsrisikos" and "Status Ihres COVID-19-Tests" in "Einstellungen/Mitteilungen" in the corona-warn-app, the error disappeared and after that I've got 2 entries in the contact protocol. threema-20200625-113532-672b33a54c899d4b

androck commented 4 years ago

None of the reported workarounds worked for me. XR 13.5.1 Had both error codes. Maybe this issue is related to Mobile Device Management?

PeterDanie commented 4 years ago

I have excactly the same Error "ENErrorDomain-Fehler 13", it shows twice when opening the app. Iphone X, IOS 13.5.1 Restarting the IPhone and reinstalling the app did not help.

Update: since 25th June evening the app seems to work again without any measures taken, at least no more error messages are shown.

PeterDanie commented 4 years ago

Some more information from my side:

toddy commented 4 years ago

Now, it is working without any error codes at my phone after I have wait 24 hours and have not touched the app. I have also three "KontaktĂźberprĂźfungen" in the settings.

kraftzwerg commented 4 years ago

After reinstalling the app, the error 13 was still there, but i had no more data in the app. Now, 24 hours after i deleted the app, i reinstalled it again. And now the error is gone. But my Data is also gone.

I think the Error will apear again after 7 Days of Data collection.

haosap commented 4 years ago

Hi @kraftzwerg , In fact, the error 13 is telling the user that the API rate limit reached. We'll try to improve the information next release.

thomasaugsten commented 4 years ago

@kraftzwerg No Data is gone. Only the current state of the app. At the next risk analysis all collected contact will checked and the app will show the state of all collected data.

androck commented 4 years ago

Its working again for me with no actions on my side.

chk-code commented 4 years ago

We are currently trying to track down the root cause of this issue. If you don't mind can all of you experiencing this issue describe more about:

your current iCloud setup Have you disabled iCloud? Are you blocking iCloud by using some kind of firewall? Are you behind a proxy? Can you access Apple services that are "pinned" like the App Store?

iCloud not disabled, all in PiHole in the network, blocks some traffic. But at the time of error, I was out of town and used LTE No Proxy Cann access everything.

Currently, the app runs without prbolems.

benjohnde commented 4 years ago

FWIW rebooting my iPhone solved it for me

PatTheMav commented 4 years ago

This error popped up for me today as well and - weirdly enough - the exposure part of the Health app is responsible for 35% of my battery drain in the last 24h, which - if related - could mean something seems "stuck" inside Apple's framework.

TSchnitzler commented 4 years ago

Rebooting the iPhone didn't fix the "ENErrorDomain-Fehler 13" for me.

iPhone 7, iOS 13.5.1

niklas-heer commented 4 years ago

I have an iPhone Xs with 13.5.1. I got Fehler 11. I tried closing the app and as suggested also turning the settings off and on, but only when I rebooted the phone the message went away. I don’t know if that will be helpful. Just wanted to add it. 😊


MartinSchmeichel commented 4 years ago

Hey guys, for the error code 11, a restart of the iPhone solves the problem and the „ Risikoermittlung“ was successful. Restart the app alone doesn’t help. IPhone 8

TSchnitzler commented 4 years ago

I can confirm that waiting and not opening the app for 24 hours solved the error 13 issue for me. When opening it today it no longer showed the error and data was up-to-date.