corona-warn-app / cwa-documentation

Project overview, general documentation, and white papers. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
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Will it be possible to renew "1/2" certificates? and other questions on renewal of certificates #889

Closed Ein-Tim closed 2 years ago

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

Your questions

  1. Will it be possible to renew "1/2" certificates? This does not seems senseful to me, as the certificate is not valid anyways.

  2. Why should the user renew "2/2" if they have a "3/3" certificate? Same goes for renewing "3/3" certificates if one has a "4/4" certificate. As a user, CWA always selects the certificate with the highest priority and defaults to this. If I have the following certificates in my app:

    • "1/2"
    • "2/2"
    • "3/3" CWA will default to the 3/3 one. For me as the user, it is not relevant if the 2/2 certificate or 1/2 certificate expires. So why should the app offer to renew these certificates in this situation?


CWA 2.23 will offer a feature to renew certificates, see e.g.


@mlenkeit, as he seems to be responsible for CCL and this renewal of certifies will be performed via CCL.

thomasaugsten commented 2 years ago

The app will offer you an renewal for your latest vaccination certificate when it will expire in the next 28 days. recovery certificate when it will expire in the next 28 days

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

@thomasaugsten But only for the latest one, so e.g. not the 2/2 one if I also have a 3/3?

thomasaugsten commented 2 years ago

Correct only your latest

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

@thomasaugsten Good to know, thanks!

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

Actually, reopening.

@thomasaugsten Did the team adjust the texts in the app? Looking at the screenshots on it seems like the app will show the hint to get a new digital certificate. Will this also be shown on expiring certificates which are not the currently used ones? Because this would be confusing.

Ich Wechsel mal schnell zu Deutsch um sicherzugehen das wir uns verstehen.

Momentan (Version 2.22) zeigt die CWA mir an, dass ich mich darum bemühen soll einen neuen digitalen Nachweis ausstellen zu lassen, wenn mein 2/2 Zertifikat entweder abgelaufen ist oder bald abläuft. Dieser Hinweis wird angezeigt obwohl ich auch ein 3/3 Zertifikat in der App habe, was noch gültig ist.

Wird dieser Text geändert? Weil was du sagst widerspricht dem ja, oder sollte sich der Nutzende trotzdem um ein neues Zertifikat bemühen, die App bietet ihm aber keine Neuausstellung an? Das würde ja nicht so viel Sinn machen.

Hier noch Screenshots:

Lass mich wissen, solltest du mich nicht verstehen :D

cc @mlenkeit & @dsarkar

thomasaugsten commented 2 years ago

Der Text wurde angepasst

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


Thanks for your answer! Hopefully, this is clear enough for the user. I'd recommend to add another sentence like: "Wenn dies nicht ihr aktuell verwendetes Zertifikat ist, müssen Sie nichts weiter tun."

What do you think? Else it's a bit unclear to the user what to do, IMO.

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

Closing in favour of