Closed MikeMcC399 closed 2 years ago
Thanks for your report @MikeMcC399. We have created an internal ticket for it and will raise this topic internally. Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-13456
Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team
Starting July 1, 2022 the following rules apply:
The app should not:
For the general public, there are no free corona tests in the app anymore since today.
The app is now wrong.
Please fix this ASAP.
This is confusing for the average user:
But I feel like speaking against a wall. Sorry, but this issue (& disappointed me very much.
For some reason only the app itself has not been updated. Many other information sources have been corrected. See
We have created an internal ticket for it and will raise this topic internally. Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-13456
Have you come to any conclusion about what action to take?
I'm sorry to hear about your disappointment with how these issues are being handled. Be assured that we have given our best to raise this topic internally.
Unfortunately, there has not been enough activity on the ticket to draw any conclusions yet. However, it is safe to say that progress has been made within the last couple of days and today. Please stand by.
The new text looks good. I only made a small comment in #5315 that there should be a space in the abbreviation "z. B." according to DIN rules.
The merged text in PR is:
"Lassen Sie sich testen, z.B. mit einem Antigen-Schnelltest, oder testen Sie sich selbst, am besten mehrfach im Abstand von zwei Tagen. Sollte ein Test positiv ausfallen, lassen Sie diesen durch einen PCR-Test absichern."
I am now a bit confused after reading the English translation in the open PR which says:
"Please get tested, for example, with a rapid antigen test, or use self-tests - preferably several over two days. If a test is positive, take a PCR test to confirm the result."
In the English text the test period goes on for two days and stops. In the German text it sounds like the user should get tested every two days, like immediately, after two days, after four days, six days, eight days, etc. with no end date specified. If I translate the English back into German, then I would say "am besten mehrfach innerhalb der nächsten zwei Tagen.", not "im Abstand".
I don't think this is going to be well described and understandable if the texts go through as they stand.
Does it make sense to do a rapid antigen test more than once a day? What is the recommended wait between tests and how many days should the user test after receiving a red tile alert?
For comparison:
According to there is a recommendation (from May 5, 2022) for people who have been in contact with an infected person that they should go into semi-quarantine (reduce contacts) for 5 days and test daily with a Rapid Antigen Test (either at a test station or using a self-test kit).
Based on that recommendation I wouldn't expect the recipient of a red tile in the app to be advised to test more often than once a day or to continue to test for longer than 5 days.
The English translation has been changed in Android commit to
"Please get tested, for example, with a rapid antigen test, or use self-tests - preferably several times, taking a test every two days. If a test is positive, take a PCR test to confirm the result."
This gives the English text the same meaning as the German text.
Edit: v2.24.1-rc.0 contains:
The outstanding point is that no advice is given about when to stop testing, neither in the German text, nor in the English text.
This issue has been resolved with CWA release 2.24.1. The app no longer states that a red tile entitles to a test free of charge.
The app stores are now offering the updated version 2.24.1:
The Android 2.24.1 app displays the following advice in the case of a red tile:
Remaining issues should be addressed separately.
Avoid duplicates
Technical details
Describe the bug
The app states "Please get tested, even if you don’t have any symptoms. If you get a warning of increased risk (“red tile”), you are entitled to a test free of charge. It does not necessarily have to be a PCR test."
This text comes from risk_details_increased_risk_faq_link_text.
The entitlement to a test free of charge based on a red tile from the app was removed from § 6 (3) Leistungserbringung of TestV on Feb 12, 2022, see, making the statement in the app on a red tile event incorrect from this date onwards.
In addition, the Bundesministerium für Gesundheit announced on June 24, 2022 that § 4a Bürgertestung would continue and generally require a citizen contribution of €3 from end of June 2022 onwards, ending the free-of-charge testing for most people.
Edit: The current regulations are described under
Verordnung zum Anspruch auf Testung in Bezug auf einen direkten Erregernachweis des Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus-Testverordnung - TestV)
"Coronavirus-Testverordnung vom 21. September 2021 (BAnz AT 21.09.2021 V1), die zuletzt durch Artikel 1 der Verordnung vom 29. Juni 2022 (BAnz AT 29.06.2022 V1) geändert worden ist".
§ 4a Bürgertestung
(1) Folgende asymptomatische Personen haben Anspruch auf Testung mittels PoC-Antigen-Tests: ...
(2) Bei Testungen nach Absatz 1 Nummer 6 und 7 hat die zu testende Person einen Eigenanteil in Höhe von 3 Euro an den Leistungserbringer zu leisten. Dieser Eigenanteil kann auch von dem Land getragen werden, in dem die Testung durchgeführt wird
Expected behavior
The statement in the app which is shown on a red tile event (increased risk) should correctly reflect the current legal regulation status.
Possible Fix
Align the app text to the legal regulation status from July 1, 2022 onwards for a warning of increased risk (“red tile”).
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit
See Dritte Verordnung zur Änderung der Coronavirus-Testverordnung Vom 29. Juni 2022
BMG: Aktuelles
Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-13456 iOS Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-13479 Android