corona-warn-app / cwa-documentation

Project overview, general documentation, and white papers. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
Apache License 2.0
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place of meeting #904

Closed bernienightscout closed 1 year ago

bernienightscout commented 2 years ago


it would be good if one would get communicated to the place of encounter

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

Hey @bernienightscout,

thank you for opening this issue!

Please take a look at the blog post Why doesn't the Corona-Warn-App show the exact time and place for a red risk tile encounter?, which explains why this is not possible.

I suggest to close this issue, as it is not possible to implement this feature.

dsarkar commented 2 years ago

@bernienightscout Thanks for your suggestion. @Ein-Tim already linked the relevant blog on this topic. In short, such feature cannot be implemented, due to high privacy concerns, and ultimately it is technically not possible due to limitations of the implementation of the so called ENF. This ENF is provided by the operating system and not port of the Corona-Warn-App, which makes use of it for the contact tracing.

Best wishes, DS

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team

larswmh commented 1 year ago

As there was no further activity in this issue, we are now going to close this issue.

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team