Small event landing page for new CWA users when using the native camera. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
It seems that Dependabot alerts are not enabled on this repository, unlike on cwa-website where a lot of the code came from.
Since the npm versions are generally older here than on cwa-website, I would expect to see auto-generated PRs suggested to fix security vulnerabilities, however there are none.
I suggest to enable Dependabot alerts here too (GitHub Settings > Code Security & Analysis).
It seems that Dependabot alerts are not enabled on this repository, unlike on cwa-website where a lot of the code came from.
Since the npm versions are generally older here than on cwa-website, I would expect to see auto-generated PRs suggested to fix security vulnerabilities, however there are none.
I suggest to enable Dependabot alerts here too (GitHub Settings > Code Security & Analysis).