corona-warn-app / cwa-website

Corona-Warn-App website. The CWA development ended on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
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[WIP] FAQ - Vaccination certificate #1311

Closed dsarkar closed 3 years ago

dsarkar commented 3 years ago

Disclaimer: This is a preliminary version. Content still has to be verified and approved.


Q&A - Basic information/Introduction

Q&A - Risk calculation/warnings

Q&A - several apps/change device/backup/several certificates


Q&A - Technical details

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

Hey @dsarkar

Thanks for creating this issue. What do you prefer, should we only give content feedback here or also feedback reg. spelling?

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

First point, before I give any feedback, we have many things that are already in The only advantage of our FAQ would be an English version.

Do we really need all this in the CWA's FAQ? Probably this was decided like this internally, or? What does the community think (@MikeMcC399?)

dsarkar commented 3 years ago

@Ein-Tim Any feedback is most welcome! Indeed, BGM material was partly recycled here. At this stage we would try to cover many important questions here in the CWA project in both DE and EN. If at a later stage there is the need/wish to publish on one single point the different FAQs, then shall it be.

We are all open ears, about removing questions, other Q&As, changing order, content, merging (e.g. several devices, several apps, backups, change device questions basically have all the same answer).

I agree, in the first part (intro) there is a lot to remove.

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-7014

fynngodau commented 3 years ago

Thanks for opening this here and asking the community for feedback @dsarkar!

Deutschland wird diese europäische Entscheidung nun schnell umsetzen, um allen Bürgern, die dies wünschen, einen digitalen Impfnachweis zur Verfügung stellen zu können.

Will this FAQ be published before the feature is released? Otherwise, the tense needs to be changed.

Ob Sie mit einem vollständigen Impfschutz beispielsweise reisen dürfen, hängt von den Bestimmungen des jeweiligen Landes ab.

Maybe we could find a resource which provides further information here?

Wer kann einen elektronischen Impfnachweis erhalten? Wie erhalte ich ein Impfzertifikat?

Wie kann ich, wenn ich bereits vollständigen Impfschutz haben, den Status nachträglich in die Corona-Warn-App übertragen?

These two questions have very similar answers and should be merged. It is also partially overlapping with the question "Wie funktioniert der digitale Impfnachweis?".

I think the latter question should be the third question after "Was ist…?" and "Warum gibt es…?", and then more questions could provide further details. You should know how it works before being told how to receive it.

Wirkt sich der Impfstatus auf die Berechnung des Risikos aus? Beispielsweise, wenn eine geimpfte Person sich infiziert haben sollte und dann andere Nutzer*innen warnt? Nein, im Moment wird in der Risikoberechnung nicht berücksichtig, ob Sie gegen Corona geimpft oder genesen sind.

Maybe it would be good to add more explanation here: the features are independent of each other. The quality of your risk assessment does not change depending on whether or not you choose to store your vaccination certificate in the application, underlining the fact that this is completely voluntary. However, your personal status may influence how you interpret the warning.

Wie sollte man sich verhalten, wenn man teil- oder vollständig geimpft ist, aber eine rote Warnung in der Corona-Warn-App erhält? Handlungsempfehlung: Wenn eine geimpfte Person als enge Kontakt-Person eingestuft wird, ist zunächst keine Quarantäne (aber eigenes Monitoring) nötig, solange keine Symptome auftreten. Sollten doch Symptomen auftreten, sollten Sie sich unmittelbar testen lassen und in sofort Quarantäne begeben.

It would be helpful to add the detail that you can always get tested if you want to be safe. What does "eigenes Monitoring" mean?

Related: → also add this advice to the app

  • wie in der analogen Welt auch –

You used two different dashes here. '–' is the correct one.

Wie wird dabei sichergestellt, dass die Informationen aus dem gelben Impfheft, bzw. das digitale Impfzertifikat echt und nicht gefälscht sind? Bei der Prüfung der analogen Impfpässe ist besondere Vorsicht geboten ist. Das gilt sowohl dann, wenn der analoge Impfpass genutzt wird, um z. B. Geschäfte zu betreten. Und es gilt auch dann, wenn die Informationen von dem analogen in einen digitalen Impfpass übertragen werden. Die Fälschung von Impfpässen ist strafbewehrt. Das gilt für analoge wie für digitale Impfdokumente.

This question is not needed in my opinion. The answer boils down to "the pass needs to be checked carefully, also forgery is a crime", which is does not actually answer the question what makes the analog pass safe. It also does not answer the question about what makes the digital certificate safe (because this is already answered in the next question).

dsarkar commented 3 years ago

@fynngodau Many thanks for your feedback, very much appreciated! I adopted basically almost all of your suggestions. Thanks.

DerVogel2020 commented 3 years ago

Sometimes you use Corona-Warn-App, sometimes only CWA. This should be consistent. I also found some typos. Will you provide a PR? Then it's easier to mark them😆

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

@fynngodau mentioned quite all my points, I only suggest to capitalise "ihr/e" & "sie", etc.

fynngodau commented 3 years ago

@dsarkar Thank you for considering my feedback! I have a few more items now:

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

Reg.: "vaccination_certificate_multiple_scan_possible" please see:

dsarkar commented 3 years ago

@DerVogel2020 Thanks for having a look at this. I will provide PR later today. In an FAQ article we use Corona-Warn-App (CWA) the first time, and later within the same article CWA.

@Ein-Tim ok, thanks.

dsarkar commented 3 years ago


Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

I think a FAQ entry reg. the validity time would be good. See

EDIT: In fact, first I'd like to know what happens to the vaccination certificate in CWA, so I opened:

heinezen commented 3 years ago

PR has been merged with release 2.3