corona-warn-app / cwa-website

Corona-Warn-App website. The CWA development ended on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
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FAQ: Dealing with multiple & non-personal vaccination certificates #1409

Closed MikeMcC399 closed 3 years ago

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

Where to find the issue

Describe the issue

The FAQ writes as though there is only one vaccination certificate.

The document "Handlungshilfe zur nachträglichen Erstellung der COVID-19-Impfzertifikate durch Apotheker Geschäftsbereich Pharmazie

  1. Juni 2021 ABDA – Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Apothekerverbände e. V." explicitly says:

"3.2 Erstellung des digitalen COVID-19-Impfzertifikats

Für die vollständige digitale Impfdokumentation ist für die Verabreichung jeder einzelnen Impfstoffdosis ein digitales Impfzertifikat als QR-Code auszustellen. Der Apotheker muss nicht über den Abschluss des Impfprogramms entscheiden, da im Zertifikat die Information zum Datum der Impfung hinterlegt ist. Somit können die COVID-19-Impfzertifikate zeitlich unabhängig generiert werden. Es ist nicht erforderlich mit einer Ausstellung bis 14 Tage nach der letzten Impfung zu warten."

The CWA FAQ does not deal with multiple vaccination certificates and always refers to them as though every person only ever has one certificate.

Suggested change

Review and revise the FAQs in the section to clearly describe how CWA works with multiple vaccination certificates - one for each vaccination dose received.

Since the release of CWA 2.5 it is also possible for the app to store certificates from different people, therefore the FAQ should not assume in the descriptions that a certificate belongs to the phone owner. That means that references such as "my certificate" need to be written in a neutral way, e.g. "a certificate" instead.

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

The German language blog for 2.3 says:

"Nutzer*innen können den QR-Code bereits nach der ersten Impfung scannen und so den Impfstatus in die App übertragen, müssen das aber nicht tun. Sie können auch abwarten, bis sie alle benötigten Impfungen erhalten haben und den Status erst dann in die Corona-Warn-App übertragen."

Please clarify if the certificate for both vaccinations have to be scanned in or if only the final (usually second) vaccination certificate has to be scanned in.

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

Is there any official answer to this question?

Please clarify if the certificate for both vaccinations have to be scanned in or if only the final (usually second) vaccination certificate has to be scanned in.

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

To answer my own question in

Please clarify if the certificate for both vaccinations have to be scanned in or if only the final (usually second) vaccination certificate has to be scanned in. says:

"Müssen sich Personen, die das Zertifikat "Impfung 2 von 2" digital erhalten haben, das erste Zertifikat nachträglich besorgen?

Personen, die bereits vollständig geimpft sind, benötigen lediglich das Zertifikat „Impfung 2 von 2“ um ihren Impfschutz nachweisen zu können."

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

@dsarkar / @heinezen

When I wrote this issue, CWA could only manage vaccination certificates for one person. Even so, it was still possible to add both the first and second vaccination certificate of a two-series vaccination program.

With the release of CWA 2.5, and the ability to manage vaccination certificates for more than one person, the FAQ language needs to be adapted to cover the fact that CWA can manage more than one certificate.

If the Open Source Team is not planning to make this change then I would submit a PR to change the mentioning of single vaccination certificates so that the text covers multiple vaccination certificates.

dsarkar commented 3 years ago

@MikeMcC399 Thanks for your comments. More than happy if you would provide a PR to update the corresponding article!

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

The first PR in this series is referring to and

I plan to submit one PR for each article to make feedback, revision and merging simpler.

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

PRs #1507, #1508 & #1509 have been submitted and merged.

From the introduction of vaccination certificates in version 2.3 it was always possible to add multiple certificates for one person (typically for a two dose vaccination series). From version 2.5 it became possible to add certificates for multiple persons as well.

The issue that some FAQ articles referred to vaccination certificates in the singular, and assumed that vaccination certificates were only from the smartphone owner, has now been resolved. Closing this issue now.