corona-warn-app / cwa-website

Corona-Warn-App website. The CWA development ended on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
Apache License 2.0
521 stars 224 forks source link

Add new entries to the glossary #1644

Closed larswmh closed 3 years ago

larswmh commented 3 years ago

Feature description

Add many terms that could potentially need further explanation to the glossary.

Problem and motivation

Lack of content in glossary.

Is this something you're interested in working on

Yes. I will also keep this list up-to-date and adjust it with community suggestions.

Current glossary entries (German | English)

Business rules | Business Rules DCC Digitales Zertifikat | Digital Certificate Digitale Signatur | Digital Signature EU DCC Genesenenzertifikat | Recovery Certificate Gültigkeit eines EU digitalen COVID-Zertifikats | Validity of an EU digital COVID certificate Impfnachweis | Proof of vaccination Impfzertifikat | Vaccination certificate Prüf-App / Prüfen eines Zertifikats / Verifizieren eines Zertifikats | Verifier-App / Checking a certificate / Verifying a certificate Signatur (Signierung eines Zertifikats) | Signature Testzertifikat | Test Certificate Zertifikat | Certificate

New glossary entry ideas (German | English)

Android Antigen-Schnelltest | Rapid Antigen Test API Backend Backup Barcode Betriebssystem | Operating system Blog Bluetooth-Low-Energy-Technologie (BLE) | Bluetooth-Low-Energy-Technology (BLE) Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (BMG) | Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) Check-in Check-out Code Code of Conduct Community Content Delivery Network (CDN) Corona-Warn-App (CWA) COVID-19 CovPass-App Datenspende | Data donation Deutsche Telekom Dezentralität | Decentralization Diagnoseschlüssel | Diagnosis Key Digitaler Impfnachweis | Digital vaccination certificate DNS Domains Ende-zu-Ende Verschlüsselung | End-to-end encryption Entschlüsselung | Decryption Emulator European Federation Gateway Service (EFGS) Event-Registrierung | Event registration Exposition | Exposure Exposure Notification Express (ENE) Exposure Notification Framework (ENF) Fachliche Gültigkeit | Effective validity Fehleranalyse | Error analysis Fehlerberichte | Error report Fehlermeldung | Error message Firewall Gelbes Heft | Yellow booklet GitHub Hardware Hotline iOS Impfausweis | Vaccination booklet Impfbescheinigungstoken | Vaccination certificate token Impfstatus | Vaccination status Issue Kontakttagebuch | Contact diary kryptographischer Schutz | Cryptographical protection Molekularbiologischer Test | Molecular biological test Open-Source Open Telekom Cloud (OTC) Patch PCR-Test | PCR test Pseudonymität | Pseudonymity Quarantäne | Quarantine QR-Code Quellcode | Sourcecode Release Risikobegegnung | Risk encounter Risikoberechnung | Risk calculation Risikostatus | Risk status Rolling Proximity Identifier (RPI) Robert Koch Institut (RKI) SAP SARS-CoV-2 Scan Schnelltest | Rapid test Schnelltest-Profil | Rapid test profile Science-Blog Selbsttest | Self-test Server Software Standardisierter Name | Standardized name (ICAO DOC 9303) TAN Technische Gültigkeit | Technical validity Temporary Exposure Keys Verschlüsselung | Encryption Vier-Augen-Prinzip | Dual control principle

dsarkar commented 3 years ago

completed. online