Closed Ein-Tim closed 2 years ago
Probably at least the information should be added to the FAQ from the text that you posted, that a solution is being worked on to cover European certificates in time before the first of the certificates runs past the technical expiry date in June 2022. There are still 8 months to go until then.
Regarding the effective validity, it would be good just to add some text to say that the information will be updated as further recommendations are made, like from BMG or STIKO.
These sort of text changes really need to come from RKI or at least be approved by them.
Maybe a separate FAQ is needed?
How to extend the technical validity of a certificate? How to extend the effective validity of a certificate?
The technical validity is hard-coded into certificates. The effective validity is only hard-coded into recovery certificates, for vaccination certificates it is rule-based.
@dsarkar Any update here? Although there is an certificate update feature in the app now, it is not used to extend EU DCCs reg. their technical validity.
The information on was updated last week and it says:
"Das digitale Impfzertifikat hat ein Ablaufdatum. Bedeutet das, dass mein Impfschutz ebenfalls erlischt?
Nein. Das digitale Impfzertifikat hat aus technischen Gründen ein Ablaufdatum. Dieses richtet sich nicht nach dem Zeitpunkt der Impfung, sondern nach dem Zeitpunkt der Zertifikat-Ausstellung. Ihr Impfschutz erlischt also nicht mit dem Ablaufdatum des Zertifikats. Die ersten Impfzertifikate laufen Ende des zweiten Quartals 2022 aus. Bis dahin wird es eine einheitliche europäische Lösung geben, so dass auch nach Ablauf der Impfzertifikate eine Nutzung des digitalen Impfnachweises möglich sein wird.
Wichtig zu wissen: Die Anerkennungsdauer für das digitale Impfzertifikat der EU für Reisezwecke wurde auf max. 180 Tage festgelegt. Für die Einreise nach Deutschland – und in andere Mitgliedsstaaten der EU - sind daher digitale COVID-Impfzertifikate der EU nach Abschluss der ersten Impfserie (Grundimmunisierung) 180 Tage und bei einer Booster-Impfung unbegrenzt gültig. Für andere Zwecke innerhalb von Deutschland (2G und 3G) gilt die Befristung nicht. Die Gültigkeit des Genesenenzertifikats wurde für Deutschland auf 90 Tage begrenzt. Diese Frist gilt auch für die Einreise nach Deutschland.
Stand: 07.04.2022"
So no change in the fact that we are still waiting for the statement from the authorities promised by the end of calendar Q2/2022 i.e. end of June 2022.
Thank you! Then the question rather is: Should the article state not to get certificates reissued? What would you say? And what does the Open-Source-Team say?
cc @thomasaugsten
Completely unrelated side note, the information on the page is wrong, it is not 180 days but 270 days, see I will write them an E-Mail to fix this.
Should the article state not to get certificates reissued?
What would you say?
I do not think that there should be any change to at this time.
which adds the action:
"- extend
- extend the technical validity of a certificate"
According to reissuance is planned for the 2.23 release.
#eu_dcc_validity is however not being changed by the above PR.
The statement mentioned in does not yet contain any concrete information about certificate renewal.
@MikeMcC399 @Ein-Tim Thanks for raising this issue. #eu_dcc_validity should be adapted!
@dsarkar I assume the team will adapt it, right?
I have added the generic link list to the newly added related articles to the release/2.23
@svengabr This looks good to me! Thanks.
Additional information has been added. Closing.
Where to find the issue
Describe the issue
The FAQ entry is missing information what to do after the certificate got invalid. Should the certificate be renewed? If yes, where? And how if there was no booster vaccination, according to the FAQ entry the vaccination protection only lasts one year?
Also, there is this video shared by the BMG on Twitter (and retweeted by @coronawarnapp), which says this:
Does this mean that nobody should have to renew their vaccination certificates?
Suggested change
Clarify what exactly the current recommendations are and update the FAQ entry accordingly.
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