corona-warn-app / cwa-website

Corona-Warn-App website. The CWA development ended on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
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FAQ: Improve "Can I enter positive test results from other countries?" #555

Closed MikeMcC399 closed 3 years ago

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

Where to find the issue Can I enter positive test results from other countries?

Describe the issue

Users have difficulty to understand how to handle a positive test in an international environment and the text in could be written more helpfully.

This is a follow-on to the problem identified by @ouboub and the suggestion from @heinezen in

The proposed change in PR involves adding:

"Detailed information about the Gateway is available from the European Commission in Coronavirus: EU interoperability gateway for contact tracing and warning apps – Questions and Answers" to

The EU FAQ contains the information in Section 3:

"What about if I did a test in another EU country?

You can only insert a positive coronavirus test result in the app of the country where the test was taken. However, when you enter the code in that app, thanks to the interoperability, citizens from the country that you have visited will get notified that they have been in close contact of an infected case."

The current text of says:

"Can I enter positive test results from other countries?

Unfortunately not. Every positive test result that you enter in the app must be verified by labs before. The labs make sure that the result is not entered wrongly or on false pretense. At the moment, only labs in Germany are connected for verification. Therefore, you cannot enter a positive result that was tested in another country, for example, the Netherlands."

Suggested change

Replace the text in based on the EU text:

"Can I enter positive test results from other countries?

You can only insert a positive coronavirus test result in Germany's Corona-Warn-App if the test was taken in Germany. If you received a positive coronavirus test result from another participating country which is interoperating with Germany (see In which countries can the Corona Warn App be used?) you can only report this test in the app from the country where the test was done. However, when you enter the code in that app, thanks to the interoperability, the result will be transferred to Germany."

ouboub commented 3 years ago

Where to find the issue Can I enter positive test results from other countries?

Describe the issue

Users have difficulty to understand how to handle a positive test in an international environment and the text in could be written more helpfully.

This is a follow-on to the problem identified by @ouboub and the suggestion from @heinezen in #551.

The proposed change in PR #554 involves adding:

"Detailed information about the Gateway is available from the European Commission in Coronavirus: EU interoperability gateway for contact tracing and warning apps – Questions and Answers" to

The [EU FAQ]([]]( contains the information in Section 3:

"What about if I did a test in another EU country?

You can only insert a positive coronavirus test result in the app of the country where the test was taken. However, when you enter the code in that app, thanks to the interoperability, citizens from the country that you have visited will get notified that they have been in close contact of an infected case."

The current text of says:

"Can I enter positive test results from other countries?

Unfortunately not. Every positive test result that you enter in the app must be verified by labs before. The labs make sure that the result is not entered wrongly or on false pretense. At the moment, only labs in Germany are connected for verification. Therefore, you cannot enter a positive result that was tested in another country, for example, the Netherlands."

Suggested change

Replace the text in based on the EU text:

"Can I enter positive test results from other countries?

You can only insert a positive coronavirus test result in Germany's Corona-Warn-App if the test was taken in Germany. If you received a positive coronavirus test result from another participating country which is interoperating with Germany (see In which countries can the Corona Warn App be used?) you can only report this test in the app from the country where the test was done. However, when you enter the code in that app, thanks to the interoperability, the result will be transferred to Germany."

hi that looks good to me. Thanks! So did you push and made a pull request already?

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago


hi that looks good to me. Thanks!

You're welcome!

So did you push and made a pull request already?

I wanted to wait and see if there is any particular feedback on the text before proceeding and writing the equivalent German text as well. Also I have to complete version control training before I do any more pushing and pulling! 😀

ouboub commented 3 years ago


hi that looks good to me. Thanks!

You're welcome!

So did you push and made a pull request already?

I wanted to wait and see if there is any particular feedback on the text before proceeding and writing the equivalent German text as well. Also I have to complete version control training before I do any more pushing and pulling!

maybe you should give mercurial a try and use the hg-git plugin (just kidding) right now how many languages are supported in the FAQs (only English and German)?

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

(only English and German)?


heinezen commented 3 years ago

You can only insert a positive coronavirus test result in Germany's Corona-Warn-App if the test was taken in Germany. If you received a positive coronavirus test result from another participating country which is interoperating with Germany (see In which countries can the Corona Warn App be used?) you can only report this test in the app from the country where the test was done. However, when you enter the code in that app, thanks to the interoperability, the result will be transferred to Germany.

After looking at the sources again, I have some feedback for the current draft:

Based on this, I've made another draft:

You can only insert a positive test result in Germany's Corona Warn App if the test was taken in Germany. A positive test result received from a laboratory in another country has to be entered in the country's corresponding contact tracing app. This ensures that every result is verified and no result can be entered wrongly or under false pretense. For countries located in the EU, the EU commission provides a list of all european apps. If the country's app is compatible to the Corona Warn App using the EU interoperability gateway, the diagnosis keys from your device are also made available to Corona Warn App users. For a list of compatible apps see the corresponding FAQ entry.

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago


Based on this, I've made another draft:

You can only insert a positive test result in Germany's Corona Warn App if the test was taken in Germany. A positive test result received from a laboratory in another country has to be entered in the country's corresponding contact tracing app. This ensures that every result is verified and no result can be entered wrongly or under false pretense. For countries located in the EU, the EU commission provides a list of all european apps. If the country's app is compatible to the Corona Warn App using the EU interoperability gateway, the diagnosis keys from your device are also made available to Corona Warn App users. For a list of compatible apps see the corresponding FAQ entry.

Looks good! Some minor additional suggestions as follows:

which leads to a new draft:

You can only enter a positive test result in Germany's Corona Warn App if the test was taken in Germany. A positive test result received from a laboratory in another country must be entered in the country's corresponding contact tracing app. This ensures that every result is verified, and no result can be entered wrongly or under false pretense. For countries located in the EU, the EU Commission provides a list of all European apps. If the country's app is compatible with the Corona Warn App using the EU interoperability gateway, the diagnosis keys from your device are also made available to Corona Warn App users. For a list of compatible apps see the corresponding FAQ entry.

heinezen commented 3 years ago

@MikeMcC399 Thank you.

I think this is should be ready now. You can do the german version and the PR if you want and I'll look over it again the next days.

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

@heinezen Thank you for the confirmation about the English text! I will follow this with two comment entries for the German text. The first is the existing text and references, the second is the proposed new German text. Once you are happy with the wording, I would be grateful for you to enter the changes into github as I am not comfortable committing and pulling yet. It is more complicated than I thought it would be to do these things cleanly with no prior experience!

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

Existing text and reference material - German language / Kann ich positive Testergebnisse aus anderen Ländern eingeben?

Nein, das ist leider nicht möglich. Jedes positive Test-Ergebnis, das in die App geladen wird, muss zuvor von Laboren überprüft worden sein. Diese stellen sicher, dass kein Missbrauch stattfindet und keine falsche Ergebnisse eingetragen werden. Dazu sind zur Zeit nur Labore in Deutschland angeschlossen. Sie können also kein positives Testergebnis aus anderen Ländern, zum Beispiel aus den Niederlanden, eingeben.

Was ist, wenn mein Test in einem anderen EU-Land durchgeführt wurde?

Sie können ein positives Coronavirus-Testergebnis nur in der App des Landes eingeben, in dem der Test durchgeführt wurde. Wenn Sie jedoch den Code in dieser App eingeben, erhalten die Bürgerinnen und Bürger aus dem Land, das Sie besucht haben, dank der Interoperabilität ebenfalls eine Warnmeldung, dass sie in engem Kontakt zu einer infizierten Person standen.

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

Proposed text - German language / Kann ich positive Testergebnisse aus anderen Ländern eingeben?

Sie können ein positives Coronavirus-Testergebnis nur in der deutschen Corona-Warn-App eingeben, wenn der Test in Deutschland durchgeführt wurde. Ein positives Testergebnis, das Sie von einem Auslandslabor erhalten haben, müssen Sie in der jeweiligen App des Landes eingeben. Dies stellt sicher, dass kein Missbrauch stattfindet und keine falschen Ergebnisse eingetragen werden. Für Mitgliedsländer der EU stellt die EU-Kommission eine Liste allen europäischen Apps zur Verfügung. Vorausgesetzt, die App des Landes ist mittels den EU-Datenabgleichsdienst mit der Corona-Warn-App kompatibel, werden die Diagnoseschlüssel Ihres Geräts anderen Nutzern der Corona-Warn-App zur Verfügung gestellt. Eine Liste der kompatiblen Apps finden Sie im entsprechenden FAQ-Eintrag.

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

@MikeMcC399 Once the texts are signed off I would love to draft a PR with the new Tool I downloaded (thx @heinezen (:) to test how it works 👍

But if you @heinezen would like to make a PR yourself I'm also ok with this 👍

Thanks and have a nice Evening!

ouboub commented 3 years ago

Proposed text - German language / Kann ich positive Testergebnisse aus anderen Ländern eingeben?

Sie können ein positives Coronavirus-Testergebnis nur in der deutschen Corona-Warn-App eingeben, wenn der Test in Deutschland durchgeführt wurde. Ein positives Testergebnis, das Sie von einem Auslandslabor erhalten haben, müssen Sie in der jeweiligen App des Landes eingeben. Dies stellt sicher, dass kein Missbrauch stattfindet und keine falschen Ergebnisse eingetragen werden. Für Mitgliedsländer der EU stellt die EU-Kommission eine Liste allen europäischen Apps zur Verfügung. Vorausgesetzt, die App des Landes ist mittels den EU-Datenabgleichsdienst mit der Corona-Warn-App kompatibel, werden die Diagnoseschlüssel Ihres Geräts anderen Nutzern der Corona-Warn-App zur Verfügung gestellt. Eine Liste der kompatiblen Apps finden Sie im entsprechenden FAQ-Eintrag.


I thought about the proposed text. Let me see whether I understand the scenario completely.

Suppose I am a German tourist, who does not speak Spanish nor English. I fly to Mallorca using the German Corona Warn App. In a restaurant I have a contact with an infected person using the Spanish App. Thanks to the interoperability I will be warned. Now I immediately make a test. However the European interoperability ends here. I cannot enter the test result into the German app. If I return to Germany, I should be tested again and enter the result into the German system. But if I stay in Spain, I must switch to the Spanish app.

Is this correct? If so it should be really emphasised more in my opinion. I will do this in a different message to keep this one short enough.

BTW: @corona team, any idea whether the interoperability will be enhanced to include the input of the test results

ouboub commented 3 years ago

Proposed text - German language / Kann ich positive Testergebnisse aus anderen Ländern eingeben?

Sie können ein positives Coronavirus-Testergebnis nur in der deutschen Corona-Warn-App eingeben, wenn der Test in Deutschland durchgeführt wurde. Ein positives Testergebnis, das Sie von einem Auslandslabor erhalten haben, müssen Sie in der jeweiligen App des Landes eingeben. Dies stellt sicher, dass kein Missbrauch stattfindet und keine falschen Ergebnisse eingetragen werden. Für Mitgliedsländer der EU stellt die EU-Kommission eine Liste allen europäischen Apps zur Verfügung. Vorausgesetzt, die App des Landes ist mittels den EU-Datenabgleichsdienst mit der Corona-Warn-App kompatibel, werden die Diagnoseschlüssel Ihres Geräts anderen Nutzern der Corona-Warn-App zur Verfügung gestellt. Eine Liste der kompatiblen Apps finden Sie im entsprechenden FAQ-Eintrag.

In my opinion the sentence

Dies stellt sicher, dass kein Missbrauch stattfindet und keine falschen Ergebnisse eingetragen werden.

Sounds too positive and hides the fact that there is something missing (namely the interoperatibilty of the certification process).

What's about this

Die sogenannte europäische Interoperabilität erstreckt sich nicht auf die Testeingabe. Wenn Sie z.b. in Spanien die deutsche «Corona Warn» App benutzen, gewarnt werden und einen Test machen, der positiv ausfällt, dann können Sie dieses Ergebnis nur in die spanische «Radar Covid» App eingeben. Sie müssen deshalb ihren Test in Deutschland wiederholen. Der Grund dafür ist, daß die Zertifizierung, die die Testlabors vornehmen, bislang im europäischen Raum nicht kompatibel ist.

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

@heinezen I'm happy to say that I am now up-to-speed on git & github training, so I felt comfortable in submitting the PR #573! I really should have done the training earlier instead of relying on intuition and learning-on-the-job!

@Ein-Tim Thank you for your offer to do the PR and I'm sorry for spoiling your chance to do it, but I'm sure there will be plenty of other opportunities!

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

@ouboub The FAQ text is really just to tell users that only German tests go in the German app. Other country's positive test results go into the app of the other country. For QR codes this is a technical and organizational restriction. For TAN registration this is a policy decision if the German TAN hotline only issues TANs for tests conducted in Germany.

Your example about Germany and Spain starts to get complicated when you consider that each test may result in a positive or negative result and there are other things to think about like isolation, quarantine and risk areas, so I don't think it would be good to try and handle all these points in the app FAQ.

I doubt very much if there will be any further integration of testing between countries, but that is just my gut feel. I haven't seen any mention of it on the EU site

Thanks for your inputs and your original questions in #551 which have led to this discussion and an improvement in the FAQ advice!

ouboub commented 3 years ago

@ouboub The FAQ text is really just to tell users that only German tests go in the German app. Other country's positive test results go into the app of the other country. For QR codes this is a technical and organizational restriction. For TAN registration this is a policy decision if the German TAN hotline only issues TANs for tests conducted in Germany.

Your example about Germany and Spain starts to get complicated when you consider that each test may result in a positive or negative result and there are other things to think about like isolation, quarantine and risk areas, so I don't think it would be good to try and handle all these points in the app FAQ.

I doubt very much if there will be any further integration of testing between countries, but that is just my gut feel. I haven't seen any mention of it on the EU site

Thanks for your inputs and your original questions in #551 which have led to this discussion and an improvement in the FAQ advice!


I thought the whole point of this particular point in the FAQs is about European interoperability not about uploading test results of German laboratories. In my opinion there should a specific FAQ about this issue, maybe one should be added.

SInce we live in the EU with free borders and due to the fact that the virus was spread at his alarming rate because of travelling, it is important to know to which extend, the apps are interoperable within Europe The fact that of today the different apps of different countries do interchange keys is very important and a huge achievement. Given the fact that even within Germany not all laboratories provide a QR code for the app make me also doubt that this will work in the foreseeable future within Europe. Now I picked Spain, because this is the country which the most popular among German tourists, and I also live in both countries Germany and Spain. I agree that my proposal might be to specific. However, I would like to insist that the current German text, hides a lack of important interoperabilty and should be changed

What's about the following text then

Sie können ein positives Coronavirus-Testergebnis nur in der deutschen Corona-Warn-App eingeben, wenn der Test in Deutschland durchgeführt wurde. Ein positives Testergebnis, das Sie von einem Auslandslabor erhalten haben, müssen Sie in der jeweiligen App des Landes eingeben. Nur diese sind momentan in der Lage die notwendige Zertifizierung vorzunehmen um Mißbrauch zu vermeiden. Dies ist leider eine Einschränkung der angestrebten europäischen Interopabilität. Für Mitgliedsländer der EU stellt die EU-Kommission eine Liste allen europäischen Apps zur Verfügung. Vorausgesetzt, die App des Landes ist mittels den EU-Datenabgleichsdienst mit der Corona-Warn-App kompatibel, werden die Diagnoseschlüssel Ihres Geräts anderen Nutzern der Corona-Warn-App zur Verfügung gestellt. Eine Liste der kompatiblen Apps finden Sie im entsprechenden FAQ-Eintrag.

I'd like to discuss this before making a pull-request

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago


I thought the whole point of this particular point in the FAQs is about European interoperability not about uploading test results of German laboratories. In my opinion there should a specific FAQ about this issue, maybe one should be added.

You are right, the point which needs to be decided is whether there is a separate topic about the interoperability. In fact I have other questions in this area. I learned that Germany is operating in the "One Europe" mode (see question and answer in but what mode are others countries operating in? Or maybe you know about Spain, since you have a special interest in that country?

Gateway modes

Countries that connect their back ends to the gateway can flexibly define how information about an infection flows toward and out of the gateway. The gateway offers three options for the interaction between national back ends and corona apps:

  1. One Europe: All diagnostic keys from all participating countries are distributed via the national and European gateway to all app users from all participating countries.
  2. Traveler: On the devices of travelers, travelers download the diagnostic keys of all participating countries. On the devices of non-travelers, domestic users download not only the domestic diagnostic keys but also the keys of all people traveling.
  3. Country of Interest: Diagnostic keys of travelers are shared, in addition to the country of residence, only with selected and relevant countries.


heinezen commented 3 years ago


Suppose I am a German tourist, who does not speak Spanish nor English. I fly to Mallorca using the German Corona Warn App. In a restaurant I have a contact with an infected person using the Spanish App. Thanks to the interoperability I will be warned. Now I immediately make a test. However the European interoperability ends here. I cannot enter the test result into the German app. If I return to Germany, I should be tested again and enter the result into the German system. But if I stay in Spain, I must switch to the Spanish app.

I think there are some misunderstanding here that I should clarify.

Now I immediately make a test. However the European interoperability ends here. I cannot enter the test result into the German app. If I return to Germany, I should be tested again and enter the result into the German system.

You do not need to enter the test into the German app because the result uploaded in the Spanish app are forwarded to the Spanish backend and, using the interoperability gateway, automatically synced with the german backend. Thus the result will already be in the German system once you return from vacation.

The whole point of the interoperability is that you do not have to do multiple tests and the positive keys of European countries are shared so you get notified properly. The only requirement is that you enter a result from another country in the country's app.

ouboub commented 3 years ago



Suppose I am a German tourist, who does not speak Spanish nor English. I fly to Mallorca using the German Corona Warn App. In a restaurant I have a contact with an infected person using the Spanish App. Thanks to the interoperability I will be warned. Now I immediately make a test. However the European interoperability ends here. I cannot enter the test result into the German app. If I return to Germany, I should be tested again and enter the result into the German system. But if I stay in Spain, I must switch to the Spanish app.

I think there are some misunderstanding here that I should clarify.

Now I immediately make a test. However the European interoperability ends here. I cannot enter the test result into the German app. If I return to Germany, I should be tested again and enter the result into the German system.

You do not need to enter the test into the German app because the result uploaded in the Spanish app are forwarded to the Spanish backend and, using the interoperability gateway, automatically synced with the german backend. Thus the result will already be in the German system once you return from vacation.

wait: I need an app to upload the test result, right? So you are saying that in Spain I should download the Spanish app, then upload the result and then I don't need to be tested again in Germany and then upload the result into the German app. this is what you are saying? well but then I could have used the Spanish app from the start. the point is that, as I wrote, I am a German tourist and don't speak Spanish nor English, that is why i want to continue using the German app.

I insist, what you are saying seem plausible, but misses the point of interoperability (as least as I do understand the term) using your argumentation I have to use the app of the country I am in, while the point of the interoperability is to avoid that and to stick to my (German app)

The whole point of the interoperability is that you do not have to do multiple tests and the positive keys of European countries are shared so you get notified properly. The only requirement is that you enter a result from another country in the country's app.

No! The whole point of interoperability is to use one app in all European country, while in your interpretation interoperability is already achieved: Just use the app of each country your are visiting!

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

the point is that, as I wrote, I am a German tourist and don't speak Spanish nor English, that is why i want to continue using the German app.

You can do this! Your contacts will be recorded by our App (CWA) and if you test positive everybody who uses one of these Apps will be notified about the contact. The problem here is that if you do a test in Spain, you can not enter it into the German App, but only into the Spanish one. Although I think it should be possible to call the Verification Hotline and they will give you a TeleTAN. (Correct me if I'm wrong about this @heinezen)

But now I have a question (best answered I think by @thomasaugsten) If I travel to Spain, and use the German App, do a test in Spain, it get's back positive and I download the Spanish app to add the test, all contacts of the last 14 days will be informed, or? (Because I had the ENF active with the German App)... You understand what I mean? 😀

ouboub commented 3 years ago

the point is that, as I wrote, I am a German tourist and don't speak Spanish nor English, that is why i want to continue using the German app.

You can do this! Your contacts will be recorded by our App (CWA) and if you test positive everybody who uses one of these Apps will be notified about the contact. The problem here is that if you do a test in Spain, you can not enter it into the German App, but only to the Spanish one. Although I think it should be possible to call the Verification Hotline and they will give you a TeleTAN. (Correct me if I'm wrong about this @Heinzen)

I understand all that, but I just want to emphasise that the interoperability is not complete. Suppose I don't know enough English to use the Spanish (which has an English interface as well) app, then the logic breaks down, I have to repeat the test in Germany.

I will now check whether all the apps which participate in the interoperability project admit an English interface test in Germany.

ouboub commented 3 years ago


Suppose I am a German tourist, who does not speak Spanish nor English. I fly to Mallorca using the German Corona Warn App. In a restaurant I have a contact with an infected person using the Spanish App. Thanks to the interoperability I will be warned. Now I immediately make a test. However the European interoperability ends here. I cannot enter the test result into the German app. If I return to Germany, I should be tested again and enter the result into the German system. But if I stay in Spain, I must switch to the Spanish app.

I think there are some misunderstanding here that I should clarify.

Now I immediately make a test. However the European interoperability ends here. I cannot enter the test result into the German app. If I return to Germany, I should be tested again and enter the result into the German system.

You do not need to enter the test into the German app because the result uploaded in the Spanish app are forwarded to the Spanish backend and, using the interoperability gateway, automatically synced with the german backend. Thus the result will already be in the German system once you return from vacation.

The whole point of the interoperability is that you do not have to do multiple tests and the positive keys of European countries are shared so you get notified properly. The only requirement is that you enter a result from another country in the country's app.


there is a another serious problem, how do I download the spanish app? Answer: I need an Apple Id for the Spanish App Store, and this I can only achive in Spain. I think this is not very comfortable to say the least, Think of Lettland, and to obtain an Apple id for lettland in lettish!!

Heinzen commented 3 years ago

the point is that, as I wrote, I am a German tourist and don't speak Spanish nor English, that is why i want to continue using the German app.

You can do this! Your contacts will be recorded by our App (CWA) and if you test positive everybody who uses one of these Apps will be notified about the contact. The problem here is that if you do a test in Spain, you can not enter it into the German App, but only to the Spanish one. Although I think it should be possible to call the Verification Hotline and they will give you a TeleTAN. (Correct me if I'm wrong about this @Heinzen)

I understand all that, but I just want to emphasise that the interoperability is not complete. Suppose I don't know enough English to use the Spanish (which has an English interface as well) app, then the logic breaks down, I have to repeat the test in Germany.

I will now check whether all the apps which participate in the interoperability project admit an English interface test in Germany.

Please ensure you're @'ing the correct user. My inbox is being cluttered with notifications to other people. Thanks!

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago


there is a another serious problem, how do I download the spanish app? Answer: I need an Apple Id for the Spanish App Store, and this I can only achive in Spain.

That's not true, you can download the Spanish App with a German AppleID here:

PS: You can also download the Lettish App with a German AppleID (

ouboub commented 3 years ago


there is a another serious problem, how do I download the spanish app? Answer: I need an Apple Id for the Spanish App Store, and this I can only achive in Spain.

That's not true, you can download the Spanish App with an German AppleID here:

Ok, you are right, Thanks,

did you check that this is true for all apps which are included in the Gateway?

In any case, what I said before, continues to be true: in order to upload the test result, I should know enough English to do this, and I am not sure that say all German Tourist would qualify, so the interoperability is incomplete. Do we agree?

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago


in order to upload the test result, I should know enough English to do this, and I am not sure that say all German Tourist would qualify, so the interoperability is incomplete. Do we agree?

Yes we do, although I still think that it should be possible to call the German hotline and tell them that you are tested positive and they will give you a TeleTAN.

did you check that this is true for all apps which are included in the Gateway?

Yes, all Apps from the countries which are at the moment part of the Gateway are available through the German App Store.

ouboub commented 3 years ago

Ok, then two things need to be checked before changing/adding that particular FAQ

  1. The hotline question: is it true that you can obtain a TAN from a German hotline?
  2. If one installs the european apps, do they allow from the start to chose English as a configuration language, or do you have to install them in the native language and then switch back (which would make the use of say the lettish app a bit difficult.).
ouboub commented 3 years ago

The problem here is that if you do a test in Spain, you can not enter it into the German App, but only into the Spanish one. A But now I have a question (best answered I think by @thomasaugsten) If I travel to Spain, and use the German App, do a test in Spain, it get's back positive and I download the Spanish app to add the test, all contacts of the last 14 days will be informed, or? (Because I had the ENF active with the German App)... You understand what I mean?

That is an important question and needs to be clarified, it might need even its own FAQ!

ouboub commented 3 years ago

off topic: did not the corona warn app include a list of countries that are part of the european gateway? I cannot find it. I have tested so far the italian spanish and the one form lettland, all allow you to start with English, can somebody please tell me where (in a convienient way to find the list of app which do participate) thanks

ouboub commented 3 years ago

Ok, then two things need to be checked before changing/adding that particular FAQ

  1. The hotline question: is it true that you can obtain a TAN from a German hotline?
  2. If one installs the european apps, do they allow from the start to chose English as a configuration language, or do you have to install them in the native language and then switch back (which would make the use of say the lettish app a bit difficult.).

I finished checking: all apps that use the European gateway (and are available in the German App shop): Denmark Germany Italy Ireland Lettland Spain

allow you to install the apps from the begining in English. two comments and I most likely will open seperate issues for this. The list of participating countries is somehow difficult to find (it should be in the Faqs) the link to the relevant apps of the countries participating does not exist.

that is more serious as it looks, because they are needed in order to upload a positive test

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago


The list of participating countries is somehow difficult to find (it should be in the Faqs)

The link to participating countries is in the FAQs You can find the list in the app itself either by tapping EXPOSURE LOGGING ACTIVE or going through the three-dot menu, then Settings > Exposure Logging then in either case tap Transnational Exposure Logging, Participating Countries and scroll down.

the link to the relevant apps of the countries participating does not exist.

In the app, scroll down to FAQ and tap the FAQ section which takes you to In the web browser scroll down to "Can the Corona-Warn-App also be downloaded internationally and used on a cross-border basis? How do you ensure the interoperability of the Corona-Warn-App in Europe?" Scroll down to the paragraph which reads:

"The countries which are already connected to the European gateway server can be found here".

This links to the page which links to the page and that page includes links to the individual apps.

There are already two related PRs (#554 and #573) to improve the information in the FAQs on The information is already there in existing FAQs, but may not always be easy enough to find.

loki-cui commented 3 years ago

Hi all - we've just received the following text proposal from the RKI:


Kann ich positive Testergebnisse aus anderen Ländern eingeben? Nein, das ist leider nicht möglich. Jedes positive Test-Ergebnis, das in die App geladen wird, muss zuvor von Laboren überprüft worden sein. Diese stellen sicher, dass kein Missbrauch stattfindet und keine falsche Ergebnisse eingetragen werden. Dazu sind zur Zeit nur Labore in Deutschland angeschlossen. Sie können also kein positives Testergebnis aus anderen Ländern, zum Beispiel aus den Niederlanden, eingeben.


Kann ich positive Testergebnisse aus anderen Ländern in die Corona-Warn-App eingeben? Wenn Sie sich im EU-Ausland oder in einem dieser Staaten befinden und dort einen molekularbiologischen Test (PCR-Test) gemacht haben, der positiv ist, können Sie diesen in Ihrer Corona-Warn-App hochladen. Dafür müssen Sie sich unter der Hotline +49 800 7540002 verifizieren lassen. Sie erhalten eine 10-stellige TAN, mit der das Testergebnis in der App registriert werden kann. Achtung: Die TAN ist nur eine Stunde gültig!

Can I enter positive test results from other countries into the Corona-Warn-App? If you are in another EU country or in one of these countries and have made a molecular biological test (PCR test) which is positive, you can upload it to the Corona-Warn-App. To do so, it is necessary to verify your identity by calling the hotline +49 800 7540002. You will receive a 10-digit TAN with which the test result can be registered in the app. Attention: The TAN is only valid for one hour!

ouboub commented 3 years ago

Hi all - we've just received the following text proposal from the RKI:


Kann ich positive Testergebnisse aus anderen Ländern eingeben? Nein, das ist leider nicht möglich. Jedes positive Test-Ergebnis, das in die App geladen wird, muss zuvor von Laboren überprüft worden sein. Diese stellen sicher, dass kein Missbrauch stattfindet und keine falsche Ergebnisse eingetragen werden. Dazu sind zur Zeit nur Labore in Deutschland angeschlossen. Sie können also kein positives Testergebnis aus anderen Ländern, zum Beispiel aus den Niederlanden, eingeben.


Kann ich positive Testergebnisse aus anderen Ländern in die Corona-Warn-App eingeben? Wenn Sie sich im EU-Ausland oder in einem dieser Staaten befinden und dort einen molekularbiologischen Test (PCR-Test) gemacht haben, der positiv ist, können Sie diesen in Ihrer Corona-Warn-App hochladen. Dafür müssen Sie sich unter der Hotline +49 800 7540002 verifizieren lassen. Sie erhalten eine 10-stellige TAN, mit der das Testergebnis in der App registriert werden kann. Achtung: Die TAN ist nur eine Stunde gültig!

Can I enter positive test results from other countries into the Corona-Warn-App? If you are in another EU country or in one of these countries and have made a molecular biological test (PCR test) which is positive, you can upload it to the Corona-Warn-App. To do so, it is necessary to verify your identity by calling the hotline +49 800 7540002. You will receive a 10-digit TAN with which the test result can be registered in the app. Attention: The TAN is only valid for one hour!

Two observations.

  1. was this really tested by someone? Is there an EU standard all laboratories have to satisfy. Or is this wishful thinking?
  2. Whats about adding the following.

Kann ich positive Testergebnisse aus anderen Ländern in die Corona-Warn-App eingeben? Wenn Sie sich im EU-Ausland oder in einem dieser Staaten befinden und dort einen molekularbiologischen Test (PCR-Test) gemacht haben, der positiv ist, können Sie diesen in Ihrer Corona-Warn-App hochladen. Dafür müssen Sie sich unter der Hotline +49 800 7540002 verifizieren lassen. Sie erhalten eine 10-stellige TAN, mit der das Testergebnis in der App registriert werden kann. Achtung: Die TAN ist nur eine Stunde gültig! Alternativ können Sie auch das Testergebnis in die App des entsprechenden EU Landes hochladen. Eine Liste der Apps finden Sie in Beachten Sie, dass Sie diese App in Englisch konfigurieren können.

BTW: it reads: in Ihrer Corona-Warn-App hochladen I think it should be in Ihre Corona-Warn-App but I am no linguist.

Any opinions?

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

@loki-cui It is great news from RKI that PCR tests from other countries will be accepted via the German TAN hotline!

Do you know if this is a change for all EU countries or only for Germany, because the text on the EU website still says:

"What about if I did a test in another EU country? You can only insert a positive coronavirus test result in the app of the country where the test was taken. However, when you enter the code in that app, thanks to the interoperability, citizens from the country that you have visited will get notified that they have been in close contact of an infected case."

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

To read the updated answer to the question following, please click on the link below:

Can I enter positive test results from other countries?

Um die aktuelle Antwort auf die nachfolgende Frage zu lesen, bitte auf den untenstehenden Link klicken:

Kann ich positive Testergebnisse aus anderen Ländern eingeben?

ouboub commented 3 years ago

To read the updated answer to the question following, please click on the link below:

Can I enter positive test results from other countries?

Um die aktuelle Antwort auf die nachfolgende Frage zu lesen, bitte auf den untenstehenden Link klicken:

Kann ich positive Testergebnisse aus anderen Ländern eingeben?

1.I asked whether this was actually checked for each country.

  1. The German text contains a grammatical error as far as I can see it should read

in Ihre Corona-Warn-App hochladen not in *Ihrer Corona-Warn-App

loki-cui commented 3 years ago

Hi @ouboub - Sorry that this issue was closed without replying to you:

According to the RKI there are a couple of pre-conditions:

The details are stated here:

Only then, you're able to get a 10-digit TAN with which you can enter and share your positive test result. As this is the same TAN process that is already in place since the release of the app, we can be sure that this way is working. However, it is not possible to scan a forgeign QR-code. And I guess that was the background of your question.

With regards to the typo -> I think you're right ;) @svengabr Would you mind correcting this?

ouboub commented 3 years ago

Hi @ouboub - Sorry that this issue was closed without replying to you:

According to the RKI there are a couple of pre-conditions:

  • it needs to be molecular biological tests (PCR tests) or a specific Antigen Test
  • the test result must be available on paper or in an electronic document in German, English or French
  • etc.

The details are stated here:

Only then, you're able to get a 10-digit TAN with which you can enter and share your positive test result. As this is the same TAN process that is already in place since the release of the app, we can be sure that this way is working. However, it is not possible to scan a forgeign QR-code. And I guess that was the background of your question.

With regards to the typo -> I think you're right ;) @svengabr Would you mind correcting this?

no problem. Could this link please be added to the FAQ. In my experience, almost all the time the information is there, but it is not clear how to find it. I just image a person in Spain performing a test and then trying to these steps, with the information you just provided he/she might get an idea. That is why I think it is also helpful to mention the possibility to use national Corona Apps instead. I tested all of them, they allow English from the start, well the Danish is a bit awkward, but written Danish (not spoken) is sufficiently close, in this context to be understood. What do you think @loki-cui ?

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

Could this link please be added to the FAQ. In my experience, almost all the time the information is there, but it is not clear how to find it.

The link is already in the FAQs!

Please look at and and you will see that they each contain a link to

ouboub commented 3 years ago

Could this link please be added to the FAQ. In my experience, almost all the time the information is there, but it is not clear how to find it.

The link is already in the FAQs!

Please look at and and you will see that they each contain a link to

Ah no, I see If you are in another EU country or in one of these countries and have made a molecular biological test (PCR test) which is positive, you can upload it to the Corona-Warn-App. To do so, it is necessary to verify your identity by calling the hotline +49 800 7540002. You will receive a 10-digit TAN with which the test result can be registered in the app. Attention: The TAN is only valid for one hour!

Link to this answer but link to this answer is dead, does not do anything

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago


Link to this answer but link to this answer is dead, does not do anything

In Link to this answer, like in all other FAQ entries links to itself, so you could copy the link or use it to open the article in a separate window etc.

Let's say you open the FAQ list and you enter PCR in the search box. This will find the article and in the address field of the browser you will see Now click on Link to this answer and the browser address field shows instead of the search URL.

So the link is not dead, but if you are already viewing the article, the article itself will not change, only the address field of the browser.