corona-warn-app / cwa-website

Corona-Warn-App website. The CWA development ended on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
Apache License 2.0
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FAQ - Remove outdated information from FAQ and review existing entries 🔧 #971

Closed heinezen closed 2 years ago

heinezen commented 3 years ago


Due to the now substantial version history of the CWA, the FAQ contains a lot of legacy information. Content describing issues/fixes for several releases is often mixed together, creating possibilities for confusion. Formatting also varies between the individual entries.

Suggested change

Overhaul all entries by removing, improving or reordering them

FAQ entries that were updated:

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago


Has there been any announcement about the minimum version of CWA which is still supported?

Perhaps the main FAQ could cover the current release and the previous release, moving older information to the "somewhere else" place? I expect that most devices will auto-update to the latest version when it is released.

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

Forwarding what @dsarkar shared with us here:

[...] On the server the min. req. version iOS 1.5.3 and Android 1.0.4 (!). There shouldn't be users with working CWA versions older than those mentioned, and all FAQ entries referring to < iOS 1.5.3 / Android 1.0.4 can be archived.

This is relevant for archiving older FAQ articles. In this case here, it means, we still need the info of the old article.

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

If the decision for Android is to continue to keep FAQ articles going back to CWA Android 1.0.4 then this is no relief for simplifying the FAQs. As far as I could see on a quick run through the articles there is nothing which can be removed for Android.

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

After a quick look at the FAQ I found these entries that can be removed (iOS):

We should also consider to remove articles which talk about iOS 13.5 - 13.6.1 (like and below this entry).

heinezen commented 3 years ago

@MikeMcC399 @Ein-Tim

Thanks. I'll start going through everything today, categorize the entries and look for errors. The results will be posted here for feedback.

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team

heinezen commented 3 years ago

Part 1

Genereal issues/remarks


English issues:

You can reach the technical hotline from Monday to Saturday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. (except on German public holidays), and it is free of charge for you within Germany.

The various feedback channels of the Corona-Warn-App-Community will help you with your questions about the open source project of the Corona-Warn-App.

Don't forget that this FAQ is linked to from everywhere on the page ("Wer hilft bei Corona-Warn-App Fragen?").


"News" section


The number of new infections is published once a day by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). 'Yesterday' means that the value considers all reported new infections from the previous day until 23:59.

English issues:

Use the redirect to change the anchor?


More information can be found in this FAQ entry.

Was created to link from in-app update screen. See corona-warn-app/cwa-app-ios#2045. If it's not getting implemented then merge with ios135.

You mentioned the entry update_ios here, I think it could be merged with ios135 now for the reason I also closed




When you switch on the prioritized background activity on some Android devices, the battery optimization for the Corona-Warn-App is not turned off on OS level. This is a known limitation for a limited number of Android devices.

English issues:


However, it will take 24 hours until the app resumes the data collected so.

German issues:

Not relevant anymore IMHO, should be moved to solved section.



Jedem dB-Wert lässt sich eine Entfernung im Freiraum (d.h. ohne Hindernisse im Signalweg) zuordnen.

German issues:

Als Nächstes wird für jede Positivkennung anhand aller dazu passenden Zufalls-IDs geschätzt, wie lange die Begegnungen jenes Tags insgesamt gedauert haben und wie nahe die Smartphones sich dabei im Durchschnitt waren.

This entry is linked to from the app if the user had low risk encounters. It should probably be adapted to only explain why the encounter is green and how the user should behave. Details about the risk calculation should be moved to encounter_19_calc and encounter_criteria.


This notification is not applicable for Android 11 phones and will be removed in one of the following updates of the Corona-Warn-App.

Here you can allow or deny other apps to use your location, but since Corona-Warn-App doesn't need this permission, it doesn't even appear in the list. Again, as described above: You should not deactivate 'Use location' under 'Settings' > 'Security & Location' > 'Location', because this is a prerequisite for exchanging the encrypted random IDs.

German issues:

Sehen Sie sich die Liste der Apps an, die auf Ihren Standort zugreifen können, wenn Sie es zulassen. Sie sehen: Die Corona-Warn-App ist nicht aufgeführt.



English issues:


English issues:


The Corona-Warn-App uses the latest Bluetooth technology: Thanks to the Exposure Notification API from Apple and Google, the app can use the energy-efficient BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology.

Die Corona-Warn-App nutzt die vorhandene Bluetooth-Technologie der Endgeräte. Da die App die Exposure Notification API von Apple und Google verwendet, unterstützt sie die energieeffiziente Bluetooth-Technologie BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy).

This means that a frequently and intensively used phone has a very low percentage of battery consumption per app. On the contrary, if you use your phone mainly to make phone calls and only occasionally stream music or use social media, the percentage per app will be relatively high.

Here you can deny other apps permission to use your location if you don't think they need it.

Hier können Sie den installierten Apps die Berechtigung für den Standortzugriff entziehen, wenn diese nicht benötigt wird.


Make sure that exposure logging is active.

Blogpost was published when press wrote about non working background updates on iOS. Why it's on Linkedin, idk. 😁



Make sure that exposure logging is active.

English issues:

You do so directly in the energy saving settings. of your phone.

Entry is only about android but isn't "no_risk_update_android", maybe change anchor (-> redirect).



According to current information, a system update seems to be available for newer Huawei devices that is explicitly intended to fix the problems with Corona-Warn-App.

The GitHub community has compiled suggestions for making additional settings and has also linked information about the system update. You can find all the details in this GitHub issue.



The log has a fixed limit of 100 entries on iOS devices. On Android devices the limit is 300 entries. If there are more entries, only the latest are kept.

German issues:


Resetting the data also means that the information on how long your app has been active is lost (the number of active days is set to 0).


Since I installed the app, my phone sometimes behaves oddly. Example: There are occasional problems with other apps and devices that use Bluetooth. What can I do?


See also [Apple/iOS]: Why is iOS 13.7 a minimum requirement? and the blog articles [Telekom and SAP to make Corona Warn app available for iOS 12.5.] and [Corona-Warn-App version 1.12 comes with two new features]

heinezen commented 3 years ago

@Ein-Tim @MikeMcC399 above are our remarks and notes so far. You can already give feedback :)

There will be a part 2 for the other entries (probably on Thursday)

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

Thanks @heinezen, looks good so far, some thoughts & remarks:


Don't forget that this FAQ is linked to from everywhere on the page ("Wer hilft bei Corona-Warn-App Fragen?").


Use the redirect to change the anchor?


Was created to link from in-app update screen. See If it's not getting implemented then merge with ios135.


Not relevant anymore IMHO, should be moved to solved section.


This entry is linked to from the app if the user had low risk encounters. It should probably be adapted to only explain why the encounter is green and how the user should behave. Details about the risk calculation should be moved to encounter_19_calc and encounter_criteria.


Blogpost was published when press wrote about non working background updates on iOS. Why it's on Linkedin, idk. 😁


Entry is only about android but isn't "no_risk_update_android", maybe change anchor (-> redirect).

heinezen commented 3 years ago

Part 2


The version 1.12.1 is already available.

More details about the system requirements can be found in this FAQ entry.

Shouldn't say something about the app version minimum, it's about the iOS version

You mentioned the entry update_ios here, I think it could be merged with ios135 now for the reason I also closed



English issues:




Please note that many countries release their own Corona tracking apps. Because the German Corona-Warn-App is also available in the app stores and play stores of these countries, the Corona tracking apps could be mixed up. Therefore, make sure that you download the app for your country.

Therefore, make sure that you download the app for your country.


Ministry of Public Administration (MJU) and Ministry of Public Administration (MJU)

-> Ministry of Public Administration (MJU) and National Institute of Public Health (HIJZ)



Furthermore, the app only works with Google Play Services.

Furthermore, there is an initiative in the developer community to make the Corona-Warn-App executable independently of Google Play Services via appropriate extensions. Details can be found in the issue corona-warn-app/cwa-app-android#75.




At the moment, many families are tested at the airport after returning from their holidays.

For each family member that is being tested, they get a leaflet that displays a QR-Code.


What do the exposure check logs show?

Was bedeutet die Überprüfung auf mögliche Begegnungen?

Exposure checks This value does not reflect the number of encounters. Please tap one level further: This is where the checks of up to 15 days are logged (today plus the last 14 days). Selecting an entry leads to a detailed view with the corresponding time stamps and the number of matched keys.

Provided Key Count (Apple) | Number of keys (Android)

Matched Key Count (Apple) | Number of matches (Android)

If your risk status stays green, that is, 'Low Risk', find more information at An encounter has been reported, but the risk status stays green.

Date and time at which the check happened.

German issues:


Yes. As long as you have activated exposure logging in the app and Bluetooth is on, encounters are logged in the background. The app itself doesn't have to be open for this.

German issues:

Sicherheitshalber öffnen Sie die App täglich nach Ablauf von 24 Stunden einmal.



Therefore, make sure to have Bluetooth and for Android, the location services, active whenever you meet someone, be it guests or when you're on the road.

You can deny other apps to use your location, if you want: see I'm asked to activate my location.

Für alle anderen Apps können Sie die Standortverwendung ausschalten, wenn Sie das möchten: siehe Meldungen zur Aktivierung der Standortverwendung.




English issues:


English issues:

[...] please note this FAQ entry.


English issues:

German issues:


If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, you can upload your diagnosis keys to the server.

If there is a match between a key downloaded from the server and a key saved locally on your device, this means you were exposed to a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Matching the encounters does not require a Bluetooth connection.

If there is a match between a key downloaded from the server and a key saved locally on your device, this means you were exposed to a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

Gibt es eine Übereinstimmung zwischen einem vom Server heruntergeladenen und einem lokal gespeicherten Schlüssel, dann bedeutet das, dass es eine Begegnung mit einer Person gab, die positiv auf Corona getestet wurde.

German issues:








If you additionally want to share a positive result via your company device or any other additional smartphone, this can be done via a so-called TeleTAN.

Wenn Sie darüber hinaus auch über Ihr Firmengerät ein positives Ergebnis teilen möchten, geht dies ausschließlich über eine sog. TeleTAN.

German issues:



German issues:


you have the option to reactivate the app after recovering from a SARS-CoV-2


Yes, "TeleTan" (See


German issues:


German issues:





Englisch issues:

However, in the operating system's contact log, a count is performed. However, this is not an error.


Based on the transmission risk level (III to VIII), only a factor between 0.6 and 1.6 is determined. The weighted time from the previous step is multiplied by this factor, which then results in the weighted contact time. This weighted time is now used to decide what type of encounter this time slot is:

  • Weighted contact time <15 minutes: Encounter with a low risk (green).

  • Weighted contact time >=15 minutes: Encounter with increased risk (red).

Finally, all time windows of a day are considered (the weighted contact times) and added up. If the sum is >= 15 minutes, the overall status becomes red, otherwise it is green. Ultimately, this means that several 'green' encounters (time windows) can result in a red status in total. For those who would like to dive even deeper into the subject:

English issues:

Based on the transmission risk level (III to VIII), only a factor between 0.6 and 1.6 is determined.


As of version 1.9.1, the app also shows the last time (within the last 14 days) an encounter with increased risk took place. You can now see an exact date to better track your contacts or behaviour on that specific day.







German issues:

nichts geschieht ohne Ihre Zustimmung.


















English issues:


through reviews and pull requests



We will be able to publish information as soon as it is available on the issue as to whether the code in GitHub is really the same as that in the app in the respective app stores ('reproducible builds'). You can find further information on the progress of this issue in the respective GitHub issue.


removing mistakes in the source code, helping with the documentation, raising questions or commenting on the project.

German issues:

Die Zusammenarbeit innerhalb der Community unterliegt einem Code of Conduct. Alle Richtlinien zur Beteiligung findest Du hier.





Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

Hey @heinezen, only two comments:



Have nice easter days!

heinezen commented 3 years ago

Starting today, the FAQ entres will gradually be updated with what we found. We will make a separate PR for each entry which I will link in the list in the top post. PRs will stay open for some time to get feedback. The PR will also include a changelog in the description.

I'll start with the least complicated entries and we will gradually work ourselves through the more sophisticated changes.

Happy easter!

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team

heinezen commented 3 years ago

@Ein-Tim @MikeMcC399 A new batch of entries has landed!

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

@heinezen Thank you for the heads-up. I will take a look at the new PRs.

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

I added my suggestions & remarks. Weren't that much 👍

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

@heinezen I have finished reviewing and commenting. Back to you now!

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago


You mentioned the entry update_ios here, I think it could be merged with ios135 now for the reason I also closed

heinezen commented 3 years ago

@Ein-Tim @MikeMcC399 Thank you both for your feedback! It's really appreaciated.

We are going to start with merging the entries before we create the other PRs. 2.0 will also arrive soon and might take over priority for a while.

heinezen commented 3 years ago


You mentioned the entry update_ios here, I think it could be merged with ios135 now for the reason I also closed corona-warn-app/cwa-app-ios#2045.

I've mirrored this into my notes and will propose a solution, once we'll get to that entry.

heinezen commented 3 years ago

Sorry for not coming back to the FAQ updates for a while. We were quite busy with the releases. I'll resume the FAQ updates this month.

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure how useful this issue is now, since it has not been touched for 5 months.

It may be better just to close it.

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


I definitely I agree with you. Also, the open PRs from @heinezen should either be made ready to be merged now or be closed.

I don't think @heinezen will do this himself, as he has left the Corona-Warn-App Open-Source-Team, sadly.

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago

I suggest to close it. It is almost one year since is has been touched.

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago

This remains a stale issue.

dsarkar commented 2 years ago

@Ein-Tim @MikeMcC399 Yes, we close this one. Updating/removing/creating FAQ articles is a general maintenance task.