corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

Central repository to collect community feature requests and improvements. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
Apache License 2.0
105 stars 14 forks source link

Germany #187

Open zutje opened 4 years ago

zutje commented 4 years ago

Google blocks download of the app on mobile phone with US-american settings that is located, and indicated to be located, in Germany. I don't like google to have my personal data, they already have enough of that, but to use this stupid Android phone I was forced to create a google account, I don't even know which country I selected for the account but could have been the top of the list A country. When going to the play store to install the corona warn app I get the notification: "There aren't currently any contact tracing apps in your area that are endorsed by local of national authorities. Check back as new apps may become available. See other COVID-19 resources on Google."

  1. First of all, why would Google decide I'm not in Germany when I'm not sharing my location with them
  2. Why would an informed person in another country be blocked from the German covid app, when he/she explicitly searches for it.
  3. Apparently the app-download can not be very anonymous, when one is blocked in this way.

(And no, neither is this issue post)

So the request is, allow installation of the app anywhere on the globe.

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-2041

daimpi commented 4 years ago

Similar to

  1. Why would an informed person in another country be blocked from the German covid app, when he/she explicitly searches for it.

I think the unfortunate answer to this question is "for legal reasons";

After a detailed examination of the situation it was determined that for legal reasons any publication of the Corona-Warn-App in App Stores outside of Germany is currently only possible after a case-by-case assessment. Legal consultations have shown that in the case of publication in international App Stores, the law of the respective country must be considered and applied to the Corona-Warn-App. This applies in particular to data protection, any necessary claims for information by local authorities and other contractual and consumer protection regulations.


zutje commented 4 years ago

Cynically, "legal reasons" prevents a lot of good to happen on this planet. Many others take data "protection" more serious, including the owners of the app-store. I guess they simply have more money to pay more lawyers. Well then, no corona warnings for me it seems... and an appeal to fix the legal reasons will probably not work here.

daimpi commented 4 years ago

Well then, no corona warnings for me it seems...

You can change the location of your Google-play store once a year. If you change it to any of the countries listed in the FAQ entry CWA should work 🙂.

Other than that: as you seem generally not super happy with having to use Google services, there seems to be a solution based on microG which avoids Google-play-services:

And CWA APKs can be side-loaded e.g. here:

dsarkar commented 3 years ago

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-2041

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

I suggest to change the title here, since normally the issues requesting the distribution of the app through the app stores of new countries have the name of the country in the title. Without reading the OP I would assume that one asks to make the app available in the German app stores, although it already is.