Open tangomanni opened 4 years ago
English below Ich möchte dem zustimmen: eine Roadmap der geplanten Entwicklungen fände ich sehr hilfreich. Ich kann mir auch vorstellen, dass hierdurch viele Requests nicht ständig neu gestellt würden, wenn bereits klar ist, dass eine Änderung geplant ist. Die Diskussion könnte sich dann auch mehr auf das WIE der Integration beschränken und würde sich nicht größtenteils darum drehen, ob ein Feature sinnvoll ist.
I strongly support this request: having a roadmap with features currently in development would be really helpful. In my opinion knowing a feature is already on the timeline could also prevent people from issuing the same requests over and over again and therefore focus the discussion on HOW to integrate a feature instead of IF it is possible to integrate.
Hey @achisto and @tangomanni ,
I have merged your requests regarding a roadmap/version planning into an internal Jira ticket (EXPOSUREAPP-3643). This will now be discussed by the devs and the RKI. I have also changed te issue title accordingly.
We have a general statement regarding "Wer entscheidet über die Umsetzung von Issues ? Gibt es ein Entscheidungs-Board ?" in the README:
Issues will be scanned regularly by members of the CWA Github organization and discussed with the product management and the RKI. If an issues is selected to be implemented in a future release of the Corona-Warn-App, it will be moved to the CWA Backlog Repository.
Regards, CH
Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team
If an issues is selected to be implemented in a future release of the Corona-Warn-App, it will be moved to the CWA Backlog Repository.
@heinezen is the CWA backlog repo really still alife? I have the impression that it contains rather tickets from May, but seems not being maintained consistently?
@ndegendogo The cwa-backlog is only meant for confirmed future features and is supposed to be used for communication while a feature is implemented. It is still alive and used, though there are not many recent things to discuss.
The older issues you see are probably from a time before cwa-wishlist was created.
Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team
@heinezen thanks for clarification. Still, I did not see it in use for the features we got in last releases, like 1.5. But I will be happy if this changes in future and we get more transparency on your roadmap planning.
@ndegendogo I was under the impression that details and UI mockups about 1.5 features were shared there before the release. I will try to address this next week, so that the repo gets used as intended for future releases.
Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team
Thanks @heinezen
I read a related post from @christianbrb in who referred to Spiegel article "Spahn will Corona-Warn-App nachbessern" from today Nov 16, 2020.
As far as the wishlist here in the github repository is concerned and the related app roadmap it would be good if RKI could say here directly (and not just through articles we can read about from the press) which issues they are interested in developing or discussing for the CWA. Also it would be helpful to know which issues definitely will not be considered, so that discussions can be focused on the ones with the most promise of implementation.
@ndegendogo I was under the impression that details and UI mockups about 1.5 features were shared there before the release. I will try to address this next week, so that the repo gets used as intended for future releases.
@heinezen Thanks for considering this. I notice the label Planned For Development hasn’t been assigned to any items in the wish-list so far. I’m sure you can understand that after 5 months of community feedback that’s a bit disappointing.
Happy New Year! Added this issue to Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-3643
Are you able to share the high level feature highlights for the future versions already under development?
In the Android app repository there are three is one open relevant branches:
release/1.14.x now released, see Blog - Corona-Warn-App version 1.14 brings new features to the contact journal
release/1.15.x now released, see
release/1.16.x renamed to release/2.0.x and released, see
The RKI site - Infektionsketten digital unterbrechen mit der Corona-Warn-App has been updated to include the following text:
"In einem der nächsten Releases soll die Corona-Warn-App um die Möglichkeit einer Event-Registrierung per QR-Code erweitert werden. Auch mit dieser Funktionalität bleibt der dezentrale Ansatz der App gewahrt. Es werden keine persönlichen Daten erfasst."
Stand: 26.03.2021
I have seen related draft documentation published to
Edit: See release 2.0
RKI has started to use the Twitter channel (@coronawarnapp) to pass on information about future functionality and release dates planned for the Corona-Warn-App. says:
"5/x Wann kommen die Familienzertifikate?
In der nächsten Version 2.5 (Mitte Juli) wird es möglich sein, auch die Impfzertifikate von Familienmitgliedern in der App abzulegen. Im Moment geht das schon in der #CovPass-App."
"6/x Wann kann man das Genesenen-Zertifikat integrieren?
Die Integration von Genesenen-Zertifikaten wird mit dem nächsten Release (2.5, Mitte Juli) möglich sein. Die Herausgabe der Genesenen-Zertifikate wird analog dem Prozess der Impfzertifikate für bereits Geimpfte erfolgen."
Hallo, ich finde es sehr gut dass man hier auf Github Anforderungen zur CWA stellen bzw. Fragen zur CWA stellen kann und diese auch zeitnah beantwortet werden. Großes Kompliment ! Mir ist allerdings unklar wie die Weiterentwicklung der CWA prozesstechnisch abläuft ?
Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-3643