corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

Central repository to collect community feature requests and improvements. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
Apache License 2.0
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Using QR codes for infection cluster detection #272

Closed jniediek closed 3 years ago

jniediek commented 3 years ago

Feature description

As repeatedly discussed by Prof. Drosten and others, it's crucial to identify infection clusters. Here is an idea towards this goal.

  1. Create a website to print specific QR codes. These printed codes are used to identify rooms or closed spaces in general, such as class rooms in schools, offices, workplaces, restaurants, maybe even train compartments. Anybody can print a code and display it inside the room. Each QR code contains two pieces of information: a unique ID (generated by the backend behind the website) and some nickname for the room (not necessarily unique, such as "McDonald's at Berlin Hbf" or "Commerzbank München Office 210"; provided by the user who prints the QR code). For privacy concerns see below.

  2. Use CWA to scan the QR code when you enter a room. The unique ID is stored only locally on the device, and the nickname of the room is stored only locally on the device in the form of some "my closed rooms diary" together with a time stamp, visible to the user of CWA.

  3. If a user is tested positive, three things happen:

Problem and motivation

Current problem: contact tracing interviews are slow, and results are imprecise and incomplete. Imagine people had the option to quickly scan a QR code every time they go into a closed room. This would greatly improve the outcome of contact tracing interviews. Furthermore, it would have positive side effects as described above.

Is this something you're interested in working on


Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

@jniediek Thanks for your proposal! Something very similar was already proposed here: #70, so maybe you could consider to close this Issue and comment your (very detailed) proposal there? Thanks!

jniediek commented 3 years ago

became part of #70