corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

Central repository to collect community feature requests and improvements. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
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Make it as easy as possible to share positive results #284

Open Jeehut opened 3 years ago

Jeehut commented 3 years ago

Current Implementation

While I haven't tested positive yet myself, I hear and read in many places that people who are tested positive report that it's made harder than necessary by the app to actually consent in sharing the positive result to warn other people. Quite the opposite, it seems like the app requires users to actively do steps (like turning on a switch which is turned off by default) to warn others about their positive test results.

Suggested Enhancement

I do not know what the screen that appears after receiving a positive test result looks like, thus I can't make any specific suggestions (it would be great if someone could share a screenshot or video of that process). But to lower the current percentage of users (46%! according to Tagesschau) who are not sharing their results, the app should streamline the UI and actions so it is actually the easier and default thing to share the results rather than not to share them. I think, the approach here should be changed from opt-in to opt-out. And please, don't tell me that this would be a privacy problem - the way the app works is already as anonymous as it can get, so even if the positive result is shared, the app still preserves privacy, so we should really not worry about that at all here.

Expected Benefits

I expect that improvements here can increase the percentage of shared positive reports to up to 90%, potentially saving hundreds of additional lives compared to if we don't make these changes. Also, the changes should be much easier to make as they are purely within the apps UI than any kind of conceptual change. Thus, this should really be one of the highest priority topics IMHO.

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-4680

heinezen commented 3 years ago

Hey @Jeehut ,

Thank you for the suggestion. We have addressed some of the points you made in the recent CWA release. Since CWA 1.7 users who open their positive test result in the app will receive two reminder notifications by the app (2 an 4 hours after submitting). More details can be found in the release blogpost.

The decision to make the submission of exposure keys opt-in is deliberate. We emphasize that the usage of the app is optional. Therefore, the user should encounter a situation where they accidently share their exposure data, e.g. if they only want to view their test result. We are aware that this is a dilemma and are trying our best to reach a compromise here.

Regards, CH

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team

Jeehut commented 3 years ago

@heinezen Thank you for the answer, I had heard about that change but IMHO push notifications will not solve the problem. They can be easily ignored or perish amongst other notifications.

Can you please share a screenshot / video with how the current screen looks like or share a link where I can find them? I'd really like to understand why only 54% of people are sharing their result anonymously. Maybe there's also a wording issue that could be fixed easily or the issue might lie in another UX area.

Also, I'm following the discussions around the privacy around this app closely and I know that it was a political decision to make the sharing opt-in. But there can be several different kinds of "opt-in", e.g. "would you like to share your positive result - you are free to not do that if you don't want" vs "would you like to help saving lives by warning your contacts with your positive result? No location, time or name information will be shared, it is completely anonymous.". The first "opt-in" here focuses on the freedom of choice while the latter focuses on the health of people - so even within the promised opt-in there might be lots of room for improvement.

Having that said, I find this "deliberate" choice wrong and can't find any dilemma here. If users are opting in by installing the app (opt-in 1) and turning on contact tracing (opt-in 2), they clearly seem to have decided that their health is more important than the anonymously collected data. So at least for these users, I think an opt-out makes more sense than a third opt-in.

But I know that my opinion regarding that will not influence any decision making, so feel free to ignore this part, but please don't ignore the first part about improving UX within the opt-in possibilities.

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

Hey @Jeehut

Here you can see how the current screen looks like and here you can see how they will improve this in the Future (Version 1.10 and above) Hope this helps!

Jeehut commented 3 years ago

@Ein-Tim Thank you very much for those links, they certainly help!

The new designs look quite nice, although I don't really understand the navigation graph.

But I am definitely missing two things (I think this screen should include both):

  1. There's no active informing that warned users will not even know where and when the contact happened, to build additional trust that not even guessing is really possible. From my experience many people with less tech knowledge just don't know about this and for them "Zufalls-ID" is just an abstract concept, we should be as explicit as possible what these technical words mean, mentioning explicitly the data not shared is important, I believe.

  2. Nowhere in even the new designs I see that we are encouraging users to share their results by explaining why it's important. Imagine again users who just installed the app because someone said it's important for their own protection and they just did it because they didn't want to be rebellious. I'm not talking about people who are against this app, more about those who just don't care that much. I think there's lots of such people and it is the job of the app to not only inform about the existence of choice here (which still seems to be the main focus of the new designs), but also about the reason why sharing the results might be important. The app should explicitly state that sharing the results will help save lives. Also it could state some numbers about how many users have already shared their results to further motivate people to join the same club, which is especially important for these people who just want to be accepted by society and otherwise don't really care.

I hope these suggestions help making this app more successful and again, while I like the new design, I do not think they solve the underlying wrong approach of staying overly objective, the app needs to be encouraging and opinionated to some extend in order to fulfill its purpose of reducing infections to help contain the pandemic. The design currently doesn't reflect that goal in my opinion, it more reflects the goal to prove that choices in government-financed software is possible. Which is not what this app should be about.

skyerjoe commented 3 years ago

Split it into 2 Steps and ask for the Symptoms later to streamline the process and avoid annoying the user which is willing to share the result.

best regards

hdhk commented 3 years ago

Many thanks for this great job! I really like the conversation and discussions (see also #256). But can we please also get a "Yes, I know what I'm doing, I want to warn under all circumstances" Button? Perhaps, this is the "really" sense for a warning app? May on page <7/24> of the new design. Perhaps it help to speed up and save time ("Serielles Intervall"). Thanks in advance, Holger