corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

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Include registration for vaccination #300

Open AndreasHGIT opened 3 years ago

AndreasHGIT commented 3 years ago

Feature description

Now the time is coming to get registered for vaccination.

Problem and motivation

In the News there are mentioned different approaches. First calling 116117, webpage registration and a dedicated other app. I would like to see the integration in the CoronaWarn App. so the App could get to a higher distribution and is the central App on your phone for all the Corona shit.

Is this something you're interested in working on


Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-3429

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

Related Issue:


tomsedi commented 3 years ago

I also see some potential to improve the vaccine process. Since we prioritise who is getting the vaccine based on age, occupation and other indicators and on the other hand there are enough people which don't want to get a vaccine at all or don't have the ability to get it now it would make sense to get an infrastructure in place to notify people of available time slots. To avoid situations that capacity is not used like we had in Berlin where no vaccine was applied because people didn't show up.

The app could support this by

1) A user can register in the app that he is willing the a vaccine 2) Some indicators like age, occupation, postal code are captured locally to assign user to priority cluster and responsible vaccine center 3) Some of the documentation needed for getting the vaccine could be available for pre-reading as well to speed up process later

In case of available time slots

1) the vaccine center enters availability through web front end with information about priority cluster, which could be one lower then which is actually handled at the moment, and time-slot itself 2) App filters based on priority and vaccine center and if user is candidate sends a push notification to user with details of time-slot. 3) If user accepts he gets a TAN which allows him to get the appointment by phone/web front-end without any further restrictions. This TAN would be valid for a limited time after which the time-slot become available again. 4) Ideally the user gets redirected directly to the web page to apply for the appointment with his TAN 5) The time-slot is reported back with status pending to the vaccine-center.

Of course it would make much more sense to have the overall appointment process in one single place with CWA and/or a web frontend for all vaccine centers. Then the integration could be much deeper.

dsarkar commented 3 years ago

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-3429

kathrinnos commented 3 years ago

Hi, please let me add the following proposal: I am in Baden-Württemberg. I would like to register for a vaccination as soon as my priority group is eligible for the vaccination - which will be some time in the future. It would be great to get the information about when my group is eligible. In order to get this information, how about allowing me to register for a region (here: The Bundesland I am in) and send push notifications for all regions and all priority groups without needing to keep a central registry of people who want to get the vaccination? My phone will then display only those notifications to me that fit my selection (which would be Baden-Württemberg in my example). As it seems, the different regions (Bundesländer) will use different registration mechanisms. It would really be helpful to receive the information relevant for me as soon as I am eligible. I suppose that implementing something as described above would not be very much work, would still obey data protection and privacy (I perform a setting within my app on my phone), and only requires the issuing of respective push notifications (display according to filter). The information where and how to register per region would be helpful, too. Thank you for considering this - best regards, Kathrin.

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

@kathrinnos "Corona-Schutzimpfung online buchen" which is linked to the site covers Baden-Württemberg. It doesn't do what you request, but I thought you might like to know anyway. has all the different federal states listed.

kathrinnos commented 3 years ago

Thank you, @MikeMcC399 for your reply. I am aware of that page. However, also for test results, documentation on what to do (AHA+L rules...) to prevent the virus from being transmitted, etc., frequently asked questions, and more, the app is a central point of entry. This is why I thought of the idea to include this information about vaccination.

Prior to this, I read the above proposal for vaccination registration and though "well, this is probably quite a lot of effort". When considering a lightweight functionality, I came up with the idea I described.

Whether or not this idea makes it into the app: Many thanks for all efforts to improve the app. Really appreciate that.