corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

Central repository to collect community feature requests and improvements. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
Apache License 2.0
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Store actual position using a button in "Kontakt-Tagebuch" #311

Open chocochp opened 3 years ago

chocochp commented 3 years ago

Feature description

Problem and motivation

Is this something you're interested in working on


Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-3034

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

Hey @chocochp, as already discussed here, it is sadly not possible for the Corona-Warn-App to have access to your location via GPS (because of restricitons from Apple & Google).

chocochp commented 3 years ago

How are tracking Apps like "Komoot" or other are solving the problem to get the actual GPS positions? Is it an problems of licenses and payed contracts? Or more like a legal problem? Legal framework problems shall be discussed with the representatives. If someone wants to store the GPS position - not tracking - he explictely press the button. So there is a explicite consent to do so.

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago


The problem here is that Apps like "Komoot" do not use the Exposure Notification System (the API which CWA is built on - maintained by Apple/Google) and thus they are allowed to use the GPS position.

With the use of the Exposure Notification System, Corona-Warn-App has to fulfill very strict privacy standards, one is that it is not allowed to use the location.

Source: point 5 says:

The Exposure Notifications System does not share location data from the user’s device with the Public Health Authority, Apple, or Google

I know that you don't want to share anything, but the rule is that Apps using the Exposure Notification System are not allowed to request the user's location.

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago


How are tracking Apps like "Komoot" or other are solving the problem to get the actual GPS positions? Is it an problems of licenses and payed contracts?

It is a privacy issue. In addition to the agreement with Apple and Google mentioned by @Ein-Tim, there is also a privacy notice between the end user (you) and the German Federal Government (see

5. What data is processed?

The app’s entire system has been programmed to process as little personal data as possible. This means that, when you use exposure logging, warn other users, or retrieve a test result, the system does not collect any data that would allow the RKI or other users to infer your identity, your name, your location or other personal details. The app does not therefore use any analysis tools to evaluate the way you use it.

chocochp commented 3 years ago

How this can be changed? Legal frameworks are not forever.

I'm using Komoot to track my positions and storen them "private" in Komoot as a "tour". So I can check where I had been at a given time. It's a kind of Kontakt Tagebuch, but not included in the Corona App and I guess the public health authorities will look flabbergasted using them ;-)

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

You can leave this Issue open, since this is the Wishlist, but I just wanted to clarify that it is very unlikely (at the moment impossible) to include this feature into the Corona-Warn-App.

chocochp commented 3 years ago

@MikeMcC399 : "The Exposure Notifications System does not share location data from the user’s device with the Public Health Authority, Apple, or Google"

That requirement is clear. It will not share the position automatically with PHA, Apple and Google. But it's not forbidden to store them on the smartphone for the user and to enable the user to share them with authorities.

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

@chocochp I think the thing here is that you would give Corona-Warn-App access to your location and it can't be assured that they only use the location for the thing you want them to and not to track you, etc.

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

@Ein-Tim / @chocochp

As far as Google is concerned, the Corona-Warn-App on Android can not request the permission to access location. See


I assume there is a similar legal agreement with Apple.

chocochp commented 3 years ago

Ok, I Understand. Then the only way would be to separate Kontakt Tagebuch from the Corona Warn App and program a separate App only for the user, without any access to PHA, Apple or Google.

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

Here for Apple:


chocochp commented 3 years ago

So at least it's a license issue. ;-)

As I supposed: A way is to separate Kontakt Tagebuch from Tracing App to enable the user to store his locations automatically. Later the Kontakt Tagebuch can be used to identify contact persons.

akuckartz commented 3 years ago

A way is to separate Kontakt Tagebuch from Tracing App to enable the user to store his locations automatically.

OSMAnd can be used for such purposes.