corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

Central repository to collect community feature requests and improvements. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
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UX: Inconsistent FAQ lists and hard-to-find answers #354

Open sventuerpe opened 4 years ago

sventuerpe commented 4 years ago

Where to find the issue

FAQ lists at:


(Linking to the German versions here.)

Describe the issue

Three different lists of frequently asked questions exist and differ in content. The CWA website contains one, the app (Android) links to a different one with fewer questions at, and a link points from there to a longer third one in a PDF document at While there is some overlap between the three, they do not seem to constitute different representations or subsets of the same main document.

This makes it difficult to find answers contained in some of the FAQs but not others, to remember where to find certain information, or to find from the app all information a user may need.

Example: A new user asking themselves whether they may close the app after activation would most likely turn to the FAQ prominently advertised by the app (no. 2) but not find their question answered. They may or may not find from there the longer PDF document (no. 3), which also fails to answer their question. Only if they happen to check the FAQ at (no. 1) they will find the answer to their question.

Suggested change

Maintain a single, consistent FAQ or include all questions of immediate relevance for using the app in whichever FAQ version the app links to.

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-1877 Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-9774 iOS Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-9643 Android

SebastianWolf-SAP commented 4 years ago

Thanks for bringing that up, @sventuerpe. This is indeed an issue and we are actually working on a consolidation. Originally, it was planned to use the website and FAQ on as the version for the more tech-savvy folks and the one on as the one for the endusers, but well, plans need to be adopted to how things go in reality, right?

Thank you for your understanding that this might take a while as we are busy handling the incoming requests, but we will of course keep this issue open until we have a proper solution.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Best regards, SW Corona Warn-App Open Source Team

corneliusroemer commented 4 years ago

I wrote this in corona-warn-app/cwa-documentation#303 - it got closed as a duplicate to this issue (which I don't think it is) but since I don't have the power to reopen corona-warn-app/cwa-documentation#303 I will copy my reasoning/request from there in here:

Currently, the target of the FAQ link in the apps is the Bundesregierung's FAQs at:

I consider this subideal, because this page is:

  • noisy
  • not very well designed
  • not under direct project control
  • doesn't include the detail of the project FAQs
  • doesn't answer many important questions

It would be better, if the FAQ link in the apps targeted the project website FAQs at (and German equivalent). These FAQs are cleaner, more up to date, under project control etc.

MilesTeg97 commented 4 years ago

btw: The terms of use also includes a detailed FAQ (that imho does a better job in explaining technical requirements of the app)

ghost commented 4 years ago

Hello @sventuerpe ,

since it has been a while, I will double-check internally and we will get back to you and the community with an update.

Thanks, LMM

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

There are still multiple FAQs for the Corona-Warn-App. This makes finding information for the user more complicated. Maintenance of the FAQs is done by different organisations and only the Open Source team's FAQ provides a proven mechanism for feedback from users.

Site Maintainer German Sites English Sites
Bundesregierung Bund FAQ de Bund FAQ en
Bundesregierung Bund FAQ PDF de Bund FAQ PDF en
Open Source Team (SAP) SAP FAQ de SAP FAQ en
Robert Koch Institute (RKI) RKI FAQ de RKI FAQ en also provides links to other related pages of RKI and the Federal Government.

Especially the English language FAQ pages of the RKI and Federal Government currently have content issues. There are consistency issues between the German languages sites as well:

If the continued maintenance of three different FAQ sites in two different languages (in total 6 sites) is unavoidable, then a formal mechanism for users to report issues on the FAQ pages of the RKI and Federal Government sites should be documented.

dsarkar commented 3 years ago

Tickets updated.

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

I want to stress this point (and corona-warn-app/cwa-documentation#303) again.

If it takes too long to get all the sites combined into one, please consider to link to from inside the app. Here's why:

The page answers questions like: Why do we need a Corona-Warn-App?, How does the Corona-Warn-App work?, Am I obliged to use the Corona-Warn-App?, and best of all: Why should I use the Corona-Warn-App?

I think I don't have to say much more, for somebody who has the app installed on his phone the question "Why should I use the Corona-Warn-App" is just irrelevant. "How does the Corona-Warn-App work?" is answered during the app's onboarding, "Why do we need a Corona-Warn-App?" is a question which is asked by people who don't think that the app helps something (which are not the users of the app obviously).

So please consider to change the link from inside the app, or best, like proposed in the issue here, combine all these FAQ pages into one.

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

Update: Should either be closed or moved to the Wishlist since there will not be one combined FAQ entry:

heinezen commented 3 years ago

Hello everyone,

we have some updates on the matter. First of all, the decision was made that there will not be a merged FAQ. This was also answered in

There will not be one combined FAQ somewhere, the hierarchy is clear and fix: The federal FAQ comes first. From there, they will link to other sites like the technical FAQ or to the RKI. I hope you all can accept this hierarchy, even if this may lead to misplaced FAQ items or overlaps.

The federal FAQ also takes priority to be linked in the app and should refer to the other FAQs.

I will close this issue now.

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team

dsarkar commented 2 years ago

@sventuerpe @Ein-Tim @MikeMcC399 Community - FYI from R 2.13 on, the app will link to the FAQ of not, see

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago


from R 2.13 on, the app will link to the FAQ of not,

I'm very happy to hear about that!

It has been very difficult to get fixes implemented on

See for instance just to get the hotline phone numbers corrected. An issue that has been open for many months.

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


Great news!

Maybe it would make sense to reopen this issue, apply the Fix 2.13 label and close it once implemented?

dsarkar commented 2 years ago

@Ein-Tim Sure!

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago

@dsarkar What will happen to the websites after 2.13?

Will the contents be:

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


Version 2.13 has been released today. Would it be okay for you to close the issue or would you like to get an answer to first?

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago

@Ein-Tim Perhaps @sventuerpe would like to respond, since it is his issue, even though it is more than a year old?

Otherwise the questions from are implicitly covered by, so the issue here (#354) does not need to stay open waiting for an answer to that comment.

I notice that there is no mention in the change of FAQ location in today's 2.13 blog announcement.

(I've just closed a related issue due to the change of primary FAQ location.)

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


Do you have any feedback on this? Are you happy on how it was implemented in version 2.13?