corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

Central repository to collect community feature requests and improvements. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
Apache License 2.0
105 stars 14 forks source link

Optional Onpage Survey asking peopel that are sharing an infection about their Background for better statistics #368

Open Cryptosch opened 3 years ago

Cryptosch commented 3 years ago

Feature description

Show a kind of a fully optional Onpage Survey to everybody who is submitting a positiv test result.

The Survey should ask for the Backgroud of the submitting person which should include the following:

  1. Age
  2. Job Description (In a way that it can be easily clustered)
  3. Bundesland
  4. Event of Infection (If there is a strong indication where the infection took place - of course anonymous and in a way it can be clustered easily)
  5. ...

Each field should be optional so people could also just provide some of the data if they do not want to share everything.

Of course only ANONYMOUS data should be asked for.

Problem and motivation

One of the main issues in the COVID 19 pandemic is the lack of high quality data. A better knowledge of the background of people that get infected may empower politicians to find a better regulation that focuses on hotspots instead of shuting down almost all areas without even knowing which area has the biggest effect on the pandemic.

For example knowing the jod Description of people would allow statistics on infections that take place on a professional level.

Wouldn't it be awesome if the Corona-warn-app would not only be a very efficent tool for informing contact persons but also become one of the main data sources that politicians can rely their desicions on?!

All of this would be possible without touching the main concept of the app - Fully anonymouse - and fully optional.

I'm convinced that a huge amount of people would be willing to share additional inforamtion fo statistics.

Is this something you're interested in working on


MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago

This is related to information recently published by RKI announcing the CWA version 1.12 on

Überblick über neue und geplante Funktionalitäten

Mit dem Update auf die Version 1.12 ist die Corona-Warn-App mit iOS 12.5 kompatibel, sodass Besitzerinnen und Besitzer älterer iPhones, wie dem iPhone 5s, dem iPhone 6 sowie dem iPhone 6plus, die Möglichkeit haben, die Corona-Warn-App zu nutzen.

In den kommenden Wochen wird folgende neue bzw. erweiterte Funktion zur Verfügung stehen:

Möglichkeit der Online-Befragung: Nutzerinnen und Nutzer, die eine Statusanzeige „erhöhtes Risiko“ erhalten haben, werden gebeten, sich an einer wissenschaftlichen Befragung zu beteiligen, um die Wirksamkeit der Corona-Warn-App noch besser analysieren zu können.

Seit dem Update auf Version 1.11 enthält die Corona-Warn-App ausgewählte Statistiken, die einen Überblick zum aktuellen Infektionsgeschehen in Deutschland geben. Zu den Kennzahlen gehören die aktuelle Anzahl der Neuinfektionen, die 7-Tage-Inzidenz und der 7-Tage-R-Wert. Außerdem ist direkt in der App sichtbar, wie viele Nutzerinnen und Nutzer ihr Testergebnis geteilt haben. Ziel ist, noch mehr positiv getestete Nutzerinnen und Nutzer dazu anzuregen, ihr Testergebnis zu teilen und Kontaktpersonen zu warnen.

Weitere Details zu den Updates können Sie jeweils nach Veröffentlichung auf dem Blog der Entwicklungsteams nachlesen:

Cryptosch commented 3 years ago

I was not aware that there are already plans for such a Feature. Nice to hear this will be implemented!

Is there already some discussion about the technical implementation and the survey questions itself?

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago


There is some discussion in #356, but the main work is done in the respective repos.

We saw the first Release-Candidates for version 1.13 yesterday, here they are:



The questions that are asked are, AFAIK, completely under the control from RKI, so I don't expect this to get published here.

The survey also isn't inside of the App, you'll get a button which links you to a RKI website.

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago


In case you don't know about this. There is a data collection app from RKI: see Blog zur wissenschaftlichen Auswertung der Corona-Datenspende-App which collects health data such as heart-rate. Users enter their postcode, so this also gives information about people suffering from fever and where they are located.