corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

Central repository to collect community feature requests and improvements. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
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[Text changes] AHA + L + A - rules instead of AHA #387

Open Jo-Achim opened 3 years ago

Jo-Achim commented 3 years ago

A supplement / correction to the "AHA" rules under "Conditions of use", point 4.

Correctly, the rules are not "AHA", but "AHA+L+A"; see: Infektionsschutz.

So AHA+L+A = keep your distance, observe hygiene, wear a mask in everyday life, ventilate regularly and use the corona warning app.

Thus, the information under "Terms of Use", point 4 could look like this, for example (in German); changes to the previous text are written in italics:

Halten Sie sich an die AHA+L+A-Regeln:

A – Halten Sie mindestens 1,5 m Abstand zu Ihren Mitmenschen. H – Waschen Sie sich regelmäßig für mindestens 20 Sekunden die Hände. A – Tragen Sie beim Einkauf und in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln eine vorgeschriebene Alltagsmaske. L – Lüften Sie geschlossene Innenräume in regelmäßigen Abständen für einige Minuten. A – Nutzen Sie diese Corona-Warn-App und deren Funktionen, wie das Kontakt-Tagebuch, Infektionsmeldungen usw.

So schützen Sie sich selbst und andere vor dem Virus.

Changes to the previous text are written in italics.

Best regards, Joachim.

Originally posted by @Jo-Achim in

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-5671

dsarkar commented 3 years ago

@Jo-Achim Thanks.

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-5671

Jo-Achim commented 3 years ago

Sorry – Deutsches Chaos!? / Sorry - German chaos !?

CWA: 1.14.3, ENF Version: 18210214000 | CWA: 1.15.1, ENF Version: 18210613000

German: Bezug: „Nutzungsbedingungen“, „4. „KEIN INFEKKTIONSSCHUTZ DURCH DIE APP“ Unter dem genannten „Anbieter: Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung“ ( findet man (auf dem Smartphone) aktuell zunächst tatsächlich nur den Hinweis auf die „AHA“ – Regeln.

Weiter unten, im orangefarben hinterlegten Feld, unter „Gemeinsam das Infektionsgeschehen bremsen“ gibt es dann (beim gleichen Anbieter!) den korrekten Hinweis auf die o.g. „AHA+L+A“ – Regeln; entsprechend

English: Under the named "Provider: Federal Center for Health Education" ( you can currently only find (on the smartphone) actually a reference to the "AHA" rules.

Further down, in the field with an orange background, under "Together to slow down the infection process" there is then (from the same provider!) the correct reference to the above "AHA + L + A" rules; according to

Best regards, Joachim.

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago


So you are comparing the contents of the app's Nutzungsbedingungen (also available on with the information from website which the app links to.


It would be good to get the +L+A included in the app's EULA.

L = Lüften is important.

The A for use the App is not quite so critical because if you are reading the Nutzungsbedingungen in the app, then you are already using the app! Even so it should be included for consistency.

I checked the next version's file and I couldn't see the necessary changes made yet, so it's good to have this issue submitted.

dsarkar commented 3 years ago

@Jo-Achim @MikeMcC399 FYI: This story is currently considered as high prio. We keep you updated.

Jo-Achim commented 3 years ago

CWA- and ENF-Version updated, see:

Jo-Achim commented 3 years ago

Same in CWA, version 2.0.3.

Android 10 with Android security update: November 5st, 2020; Google Play-Systemupdate: March, 1st, 2021. GigaSet GS4, Build: E940-2795-00_10.0_V08_20201123 CWA version: 2.0.3 ENF: 18211213000 NetGuard Pro 2.295 Norton 360, v.

MikeMcC399 commented 3 years ago


FYI: This story is currently considered as high prio. We keep you updated.

Has the priority been lowered? I wonder why it is not fixed yet and there is no fix version label applied to this issue.

heinezen commented 3 years ago


No, it is still high priority. However, there are no news about an implementation yet.

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team

Jo-Achim commented 3 years ago

Same in CWA, version 2.1.2.

Jo-Achim commented 3 years ago

Same "AHA" mistake in CWA 2.3.2; insteed of "AHA+L+A".

Jo-Achim commented 3 years ago

... same in CWA 2.4.2.

heinezen commented 3 years ago


I have asked again for the current status, but sadly there's no timeframe or version for when this will be implemented yet.

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team

Jo-Achim commented 3 years ago

... and also in version 2.8.0 - as before - still the same:

Jo-Achim commented 3 years ago

... and in CWA 2.10.1.

Jo-Achim commented 2 years ago

... and in CWA 2.11.2 - since March or how many 'official' versions?

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


Please, could you give an update reg. this issue?

Jo-Achim commented 2 years ago

The same in version 2.12.1 and 2.12.2.

Jo-Achim commented 2 years ago

The 7-day incidence / daily new infections increase and it gets cold. This means that people are more likely to be in closed rooms than outside. This means that the topic of "ventilation" is much more necessary again than in summer.

Although we and the RKI have known since at least calendar week 19/2020 (*) that the corona virus can also be transmitted via aerosols - which is why "ventilation" is extremely necessary - this important note is still not in the official "Corona-Warn-App" (CWA) of the RKI until today! Although it would actually only be 'a small text addition / completion'. That's bad; see

If you still need information on local incidence events, take a look, for example, at the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) under “Overview map of coronavirus infections”.

From my point of view, it would be desirable to correct this point as soon as possible.

(*) The corresponding text change was made under Transmission paths between May 6th and 9th, 2020 from:

Status: on May 6th, 2020 (morning): ... Even if a final assessment does not seem possible at this point in time, the studies carried out so far indicate that a transmission of SARS-CoV-2 via aerosols is not likely in normal social interaction.


Status: on May 9th, 2020: ... Even if a final assessment is difficult at this point in time, the studies to date indicate that SARS-CoV-2 viruses can also be transmitted via aerosols in normal social interaction.

(One of my most frustrating realizations on this.)

dsarkar commented 2 years ago

@Jo-Achim Thanks for your contribution here. The "Hygiene"-recommendations in the CWA had been updated recently, we suggest closing this issue.

Best wishes, DS

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team

dsarkar commented 2 years ago

This was adapted in R 2.15 image


MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago


This issue was about the "Terms of Use" which still have not been updated. It was not about the text in the risk tile.



"Air out indoor spaces" is missing in English from the Terms of Use.


"Lüften Sie Innenräume" is missing in German from the Nutzungsbedingungen.

These are also accessible in the Android app through the three-dot menu > App Information > Terms of Use (EN) or App-Informationen > Nutzungsbedingungen (DE).

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago

Also the reference in German to "Alltagsmaske" is very outdated. It should be "Maske".

dsarkar commented 2 years ago

@MikeMcC399 Thanks for clarification! Will be forwarded and pointed out!

Jo-Achim commented 2 years ago

@dsarkar, @MikeMcC399,

thanks for the information and updates.

As @MikeMcC399 already wrote, the only thing missing now is the correction under "Terms of Use", at the end of point 4: Screenshot_20220221-111408_Corona-Warn_2

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago


According to your previous comments in the enhancement request is not fulfilled.

I checked in the CWA 2.21 release and there has been no change.

In this case, the labels "Fix 2.15" and "ready to close" should be removed.