corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

Central repository to collect community feature requests and improvements. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
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Replace "%1$d" with "einem" for quantity "one" in strings.xml #454

Open JuliusVogelbacher opened 3 years ago

JuliusVogelbacher commented 3 years ago

Please replace "%1$d" with "einem" for quantity "one" in src\main\res\values-de\strings.xml. Currently in line 111 and 134 in strings.xml. In other words use "einem" instead of "1".



thomasaugsten commented 3 years ago

This wording is chose by intention to understand the quantity more easily

JuliusVogelbacher commented 3 years ago

Why the wording is different than in line 143?

mtotowamkwe commented 3 years ago

@dsarkar @JuliusVogelbacher @thomasaugsten I'd like to work on this.

mtotowamkwe commented 3 years ago

See the corresponding pull request.

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

iOS also uses "1" (see &

This issue therefore should be transferred to the documentation repository (or the wishlist) and also be relabeled as an enhancement and not as a bug.

Could you take a look @dsarkar?

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

Maybe @JuliusVogelbacher could also further explain why he would like to see this change.

Line 143, which he mentioned in is the string for the detail screen, IHMO it makes sense to have the number on the risk card and the word on the detail screen.

JuliusVogelbacher commented 3 years ago

"einem" has only 4 letters more and then the grammar fits. For me it is more readable if the grammar fits. But it would be nice if other German native speakers could comment on this.

DerVogel2020 commented 3 years ago

I think it is not necessary for grammatical reasons, since it is not a full German sentence.

In it says: "Die Zahlen von 1 bis 12 werden überwiegend dann in Ziffern geschrieben, wenn sie – z. B. in Statistiken oder wissenschaftlichen Texten – zusammen mit dem dazugehörigen Substantiv die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich lenken sollen: Kurbel mit 2 Wellen; Zahnrad mit 2 Spindeln." I think, this applies here.

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago


I'm also a German native speaker and for me it's more important to directly see the number, I know where the App would show the number and thus I don't have to read the sentence but I can only search for a number in the text. If there is non, I didn't have an encounter.

JuliusVogelbacher commented 3 years ago

@DerVogel2020 If you see that as a scientific text, that is of course correct. But I don't think the most common user is a statistician or a scientist.

@Ein-Tim If you already know the text, a number is maybe better, but when you read the text for the first time I think "einem" is better. And I hope you don't read the text too often.

@All For me, it's also about feeling for language. But if the majority sees it differently, you can close the process. Maybe my feeling for language does not correspond to the general feeling for language.

di-sc commented 3 years ago

But it would be nice if other German native speakers could comment on this.

This message is a highly represented message most users will see (as the FIRST responsive message of the app) and it is wrong in german language. Nobody would write or speak that way. Because the CWA is an app that all people (not only technicians) should use I would consider it as a bug. Alternative solution that is independent of the language: "Anzahl Tage mit Begegnungen mit niedrigem Risiko: %1$d"

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

@dsarkar Please decide where to move this issue, but it affects both, iOS and Android. I would move it to the wishlist since @thomasaugsten said that this is chosen by intention.

vaubaehn commented 3 years ago

Related: and following comments at end of PR

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

Also somehow related: