corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

Central repository to collect community feature requests and improvements. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
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Add location type(s) for public transportation to the event tracking functionality #496

Open byteborg opened 3 years ago

byteborg commented 3 years ago

Current Implementation

In file enum TraceLocationType specifies several types of possible locations. Those are all static (in the sense of non-moving, bound to a specific geographic location).

Suggested Enhancement

Add location types for moving location entities as well, such as trains, planes and automobiles.

Expected Benefits

This would enable entities like public transportation or ride shares to privide distinct "events" and corresponding QR codes (maybe on an automated basis) for ride compartments, that are not location-bound.

(This issue started as a documentation request)

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-7020

dsarkar commented 3 years ago

Hi @byteborg,

Thank you for contributing here. We created an Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-7020. Any news on this will be published here. Best wishes, DS

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team