corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

Central repository to collect community feature requests and improvements. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
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Add quick action for Vaccination Certificate #504

Closed MarcoSteinke closed 2 years ago

MarcoSteinke commented 3 years ago

Feature description

I am referring to issue and building my idea on this feature. If there will be a Vaccination Certificate tab in the future, add a shortcut when pressing the icon of the CWA on the Home Screen which can directly send the user into the app and display the according tab, if existing.

If a user does not have a registered certificate yet, there could possibly be a shortcut to directly enter the according tab to register a vaccination certificate.

Problem and motivation

1. Motivation:

The current development in the politics seems to welcome privileges for citizens which are categorized as fully vaccinated. Thus shops/businesses in Germany could possibly use the vaccination certificate as requirement to enter their building. So there is a situation in which you want to directly access your vaccination certificate.

2. Problem:

In regions with slow internet connections, users could get caught in longer loading times when opening the CWA. By directly accessing the required vaccination certificate tab, users can skip the loading of the cards in the landing tab of the CWA and only load the required data to show their certificate (if the certificate is stored locally there will not be any loading time using this method) .

This can on the one hand improve the UX and on the other hand possibly reduce the required time for starting the app and accessing the according tab.

Is this something you're interested in working on


Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-7151

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

I support this feature request to 💯%.

May I suggest to change the title to something like "Add quick action for vaccination certificate", because one could confuse "home screen" with the apps home screen and not the one of the phone.

Thank you!

dsarkar commented 3 years ago

@MarcoSteinke @Ein-Tim Thanks for the suggestions. Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-7151. Best wishes, DS

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team

jucktnich commented 3 years ago

What's the status here? Got this somewhat lost?

tomber42 commented 2 years ago

No quick access to certificate.. But we all need this.

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago

I'm using the CovPass-App to get quick access to my vaccination certificate display. I have both CovPass and CWA installed.

Tapping on CovPassApp_ic_launcher shows CovPass display with the text "Complete since ...".

For those situations where the person doing the checking is happy just to see one screen without using the CovPassCheck app to digitally verify the certificate, CovPass-App is the simplest app to use.

CWA needs more taps to achieve the same result and even then, the information in CWA is not so consolidated that there is one easily viewable screen with name, vaccination status and QR code all viewable at once without scrolling.

CWA on the other hand, needs an extra tap



Corona-Warn display

and then on this screen it does not show the vaccination status in human readable form. This requires another tap and some scrolling.

So for me the conclusion is that adding a quick action for CWA would not completely solve the ease of use issue. CWA would need to be more like CovPass-App if the goal is to be able to display vaccination certificate information in one tap in a form that a trusting checker would accept without needing any scrolling.

MarcoSteinke commented 2 years ago

So for me the conclusion is that adding a quick action for CWA would not completely solve the ease of use issue. CWA would need to be more like CovPass-App if the goal is to be able to display vaccination certificate information in one tap in a form that a trusting checker would accept without needing any scrolling.

In my eyes there is no problem in letting the quick action directly open the correct view in the CWA and perform a scroll to the right location.

But yes I have to agree, there are definitely more actions required to access the certificate than in the CovPass app.

On the other side the CovPass app was created to be only able to display the certificate, where the CWA has a lot of other features which are the main functionality of the application, so the certificate is only a side-feature which is not in the focus, but also shall not be in the focus.

With adding a quick action which directly leads to the certificate in a human-readable way, you could open a direct door to a side-feature, without giving it more attention inside of the app, so the main task of the CWA can remain as it is right now.

thomasaugsten commented 2 years ago

A check without scanning is not possible. It is intended from the CWA to protect your data to not show private information on the first screen.

CWA is also not supporting only manual check because this put other people on risk if a not 3G person can visit a location with a faked screenshot

dsarkar commented 2 years ago

@MikeMcC399 Thanks for the detailed comparison, forwarded to the internal ticket.

jeffbs commented 2 years ago

I can't understand why this feature isn't implemented.

svengabr commented 2 years ago

There was an update posted in the Jira ticket however I was not happy with the result as I think it was misunderstood.

Using my excellent photoshop skills I was able to generate this draft as I think this is the expected result of this feature request: shortcut


and then on this screen it does not show the vaccination status in human-readable form. This requires another tap and some scrolling.

we got this answer:

It was requested because of Data Privacy to not show any details on the certificate card. Neither what type of certificate it is nor the vaccination status. That's also why the info text on top got added, to inform the checkers that they need to use the CovCheck App to verify the certificate and can't do so by just looking at it. So from Design Side we can't add the additional information, as it was an explicit request to not show them by Data Privacy.

I will report back once we got additional feedback regarding the shortcut.

MarcoSteinke commented 2 years ago

This is what was originally supposed to be added to the app.

There was an update posted in the Jira ticket however I was not happy with the result as I think it was misunderstood.

Using my excellent photoshop skills I was able to generate this draft as I think this is the expected result of this feature request: shortcut


and then on this screen it does not show the vaccination status in human-readable form. This requires another tap and some scrolling.

we got this answer:

It was requested because of Data Privacy to not show any details on the certificate card. Neither what type of certificate it is nor the vaccination status. That's also why the info text on top got added, to inform the checkers that they need to use the CovCheck App to verify the certificate and can't do so by just looking at it. So from Design Side we can't add the additional information, as it was an explicit request to not show them by Data Privacy.

I will report back once we got additional feedback regarding the shortcut.

mrleine commented 2 years ago

Can you already see when this function will be rolled out?

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

This has been implemented (at least under iOS).

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

@MarcoSteinke Would you like to close this issue?

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago

@Ein-Tim Do you think this is implemented in CWA Android? I cannot see it there. I only see "Add Entry" on Android (CWA 2.19.2).

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


Oh sorry, I didn't check Android. The corresponding Android PR is still in draft mode.

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago
MarcoSteinke commented 2 years ago

Amazing, this was a typical case of german bureaucracy for a simple feature, but still very thankful for this feature being a part of the CWA now! 😄