corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

Central repository to collect community feature requests and improvements. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
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[Check-in/Presence Tracing] Concept: Allow Health Authorities to warn CWA-users from infected non CWA-Users #505

Closed vaubaehn closed 2 years ago

vaubaehn commented 3 years ago


@Ein-Tim shared a link of the public part of the meeting "Ausschuss Digitale Agenda" at May 5th in our community Slack channel. Martin Fassunge (SAP project lead) was invited as an expert. In minute 58:12, Tabea Rössner (Büdnis90/Die Grünen) asked Martin Fassunge, whether there is already a solution or a concept for the situation, when a non-CWA user who attended an event and gets tested positive later, that CWA users can get warned subsequently. Martin Fassung responded "certainly not". Actually, I think this could be possible, quickly implemented and with rather low effort and costs.

The following concept is basically an idea that was developed during a discussion by @floscher , @di-sc and @jucktnich in #486. I created this as a duplicate accidentally.

Feature description/Concept

Use case: A host is creating a QR code for his event (CWA Event Registration/Presence Tracing). If legislation will still need this in future: People who are not using CWA will leave their contact details in analog paper lists. After this event, a non-CWA user gets tested positive, and the responsible health authority traces their contacts. Health authority learns about the attendence of the infected person in that event, and requests paper lists of other guests from the host. New: The health authorities additionally request the host's QR code for the event of that day. With the QR code, they receive the GUID of the event. Contact tracers in health authorities release a warning to all CWA users who were checked in at the same time (+30 minutes) like the infected non-CWA user via a web- or app-based interface provided by T-Systems/SAP .


Problem and motivation

I assume, to release a warning to CWA users takes less than five minutes for a concact tracer when the QR code is available. To ask the host to (additionally) provide a QR code takes seconds. So, with marginal extra work in health authorities many more people could get warned faster. This feature is not only in the mind of users already, but also in the mind of politicians. More people would be enabled to receive warnings and take their precautions. This might even be an incentive for more users to use CWA. In best case, paper lists (resp. recorded personal data) could become obsolete more easy, like Saxony is going first steps now.

Is this something you're interested in working on

In general yes, but I have limited time, unfortunately.


This feature is related/basically similar to #486 , and taking up one conclusion from their discussion, that the responsibility for warning others stays with the health authorities and is not delegated to the hosts.

@tklingbeil -> maybe you want to forward this to Martin Fassunge as a direct reply to the question in the Ausschuss Digitale Agenda.

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-6749

ndegendogo commented 3 years ago

A very nice concept, and imo a logical extension path of today's cwa feature set. What I like especially, is the extension of cwa impact to (or rather from?) non-cwa users.

floscher commented 3 years ago

By the way, at two occasions in the video of the "Ausschuss Digitale Agenda" Ulrich Kelber (BfDI) explained that such a system would be useful:

At 8:24 :

I hope however that it's maybe even considered to allow some type of broadcasting. That means if it comes to an infection with people who registered themselves with the CWA and this infection is reported by a person that didn't use the CWA, then in this case so to say a ticker is sent to the CWA afterwards and everyone can receive such a warning with the speed offered by the CWA. We believe this to be another boost for the CWA, too, so we hope that this would lead to increased usage. It is clear that the CWA has many downloads. But there is a quadratic relationship, so if half of the people use the CWA, then fewer people are covered. We'd need at least 70% to cover most people, today probably in about 1/5 or 1/4 of all cases the CWA is involved on both sides.

And at 1:23:20 Tabea Rössner asks Ulrich Kelber:

Wouldn't it be theoretically possible, if I attend an event and the host created a QR code and I checked in and in the aftermath someone has an infection or a positive test, that in order to prevent abuse a warning is given out through a TAN query, so the host could inform their guests? If they didn't use the app, because we are talking here about the different levels.

Ulrich Kelber explains the case when CWA users warn others and then answers this:

Exactly, and now the other way around. In that case of course these users of the CWA would not be informed, not even after a couple of days, because the health departments do not know these people. From a privacy standpoint nothing would contradict a variant, where existing QR codes would be provided and the health department could practically input a notification into the CWA. That would have to be extended in my opinion, in the Exposure Notification Framework, too. By the way, I'll ask this question to Apple representatives on friday, where I'll talk with them about several points regarding further development of ENF, if they view this the same as me.

Tabea Rössner:

Can I ask Martin Fassunge then, if this option that we discussed further, wouldn't that be a possibility to develop the CWA in this direction?

To which Martin Fassunge replied:

Of course, but as as I said, we need a framework we need to fit that in the available time, but this would be a possibility.

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

Something like this will be implemented in version 2.9, work on that has just begun:

However, I'm not sure if this solution covers Health Authorities, I don't think so.

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

@vaubahen Version 2.9 has been released today. Can this be closed? Or are there any points left?

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

@vaubaehn Could you maybe give us an update here? Do you consider this as implemented?

vaubaehn commented 2 years ago

Although I also think that the implementation doesn't cover health authorities in the way how it was proposed in this issue (authorities can directly warn users when they have access to the event QR code without the need to ask the host to initiate the warning), I think this issue will not be pursued further, so I'm closing here.

Thanks to everyone involved! 🍻