corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

Central repository to collect community feature requests and improvements. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
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Increase Usability of Rapid Test Display #552

Open mayfinn opened 3 years ago

mayfinn commented 3 years ago

I would like to propose a small usability improvement in the display of rapid tests. If the outlined current designs have specific reasons or if there is data against my proposal I would like to hear from that ✌🏼

Current Implementation

When the results of a rapid test is shown in the CWA there are two views where it is shown. First on the Start Screen-View (Screenshot A) and on the Detail-View (Screenshot B). The Primary Action in the Interaction is always shown via the button filled with the main color blue.

Even though I have no thorough data backed by usability tests, I find it always very tempting to continue the flow of tapping on the big blue buttons and deleting my Rapid Test entirely. I have heard the same feedback from friends using the app. This should not be intended by the design since a deletion of a test result ist not mandatory if e.g. a new rapid test is registered.

Edit: Furthermore it should be noted that "Delete Test" is an obstructive action and is not visually highlighted as such.

Screenshots are taken from corona-warn-app/cwa-app-ios v2.4.0-RC9

iPhone 11 Pro-homescreenrisk_show_pcr_rat_negative iPhone 11 Pro-submissionflow_screenshot_test_result_negative

Suggested Enhancement

I propose either to change the Primary Button ("Delete Test" on Screenshot B) to a Secondary Button or to hide it via a control button. To change the button to a secondary button would match the presentation when the test result is not yet ready.

Edit: To highlight the obstructiveness of the action the button could be filled with a red color. A combination of these suggestions could also be taken into account: Red Signal Color + Secondary button.

Example of a Primary button and secondary button (Screenshot taken from corona-warn-app/cwa-app-ios v2.4.0-RC9)

iPhone 8-submissionflow_screenshot_test_result_pending

Expected Benefits

The benefit would be to stop the temptation of deleting a test result, since the interaction flow of viewing a test result is stopped by the lack of primary button.

Internal Tracking-ID: EXPOSUREAPP-7983

heinezen commented 3 years ago


Thank you for your proposal. i have informed the dev team which will now take a look at your ideas. We'll notify your here if we get updates on the issue.

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team

mayfinn commented 3 years ago

@heinezen Thank you 👍🏼

ndegendogo commented 3 years ago

I can confirm the observation of finnge. I just got my PCR test result. Of course the first thing I do is to press the button to see the test. And the only big, visible button to go back will delete the test.

I would even suggest to extend the explanatory text here, especially if the test is negative, like:

"Infos zum Ablauf

Rationale: at the moment where I receive the (negative) test result, I am very happy and my mind is preoccupied and I don't think much further how I could use the test result. The app should guide me here and make suggestions.

Question to the dev team: actually, my suggestion extends the original proposal. Do you prefer that I open a separate wishlist item for that?

mayfinn commented 3 years ago

@ndegendogo I like your extension of the idea. To add an item to the list would be a good way of supporting my intention even further 👍🏼