corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

Central repository to collect community feature requests and improvements. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
Apache License 2.0
105 stars 14 forks source link

Change icon of CWA when fully vaccinated (add a ✅ or similar) #617

Closed Ein-Tim closed 3 years ago

Ein-Tim commented 3 years ago

Current Implementation

The icon of the Corona-Warn-App stays unchanged even if the fully vaccinated status is reached.

Suggested Enhancement

Change the icon of the Corona-Warn-App as soon as the fully vaccinated status is reached. Add a ✅ or similar.

Expected Benefits

Improved user experience. From Twitter (German only): "Einfach nur ein netter Anreiz / Belohnung. Sozusagen ein kostenloser In-App Kauf Zeigefinger nach oben Die Impfung IST auch ein wenig Verkauf, wie man sieht." & "Verkaufspsychologisch ist es einfach Fakt, dass ein Anreizsystem, welches auf positiver Verstärkung beruht, besser funktioniert als das dröge hineindozieren von Fakten."

Additional information

This issue is based on the feedback I got from a Twitter user:

Internal Tracking-ID: EXPOSUREAPP-9056

fynngodau commented 3 years ago

I think this is a funny idea.

On Android this is possible by creating an <activity-alias> and enabling and disabling it. See However this might unfortunately not work reliably on all devices.

@Ein-Tim I think this should be added to the gamification overview as well.

heinezen commented 3 years ago

Hello everyone,

This feature request was declined to prrevent misuse of the app as a validator app. Nobody should be encouraged to look for a green checkmark and decide, that this certificate is valid. The check shuld only be done in CovPassCheck.

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team