corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

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Dedicated Message when Scanning Luca QR-Code which has no CWA Data Extension #680

Open jkrwdf opened 2 years ago

jkrwdf commented 2 years ago

Feature description

CWA now supports check-in using Luca QR codes. However, the Luca QR-Code must have the CWA data extension, which is the case only for Luca QR-Codes generated by the official Luca solution after May 25, 2021.

Codes generated before that date, or codes today generated in the Luca App itself for a "Private Meeting", do not contain those data.

When scanning such Luca QR-Code, the CWA shall not issue the generic "No Suitable QR Code" message


but a dedicated message.


For QR Codes from the Luca website without CWA part: "This is a Luca QR code, however it does not contain the necessary information to support check-in in the Corona-Warn-App" and then eventually a Link to the FAQ which explains the 25 May story.

For QR Codes for Luca Private Meetings: "This is a Luca QR Code for a private meeting. The Corona-Warn-App cannot check-in to such meetings. (Please ask the meeting owner to provide a CWA Event in addition)".

Problem and motivation

Depending on the time of rollout of Luca in the various areas of Germany, it is locally likely that many old Luca codes are around.

Motivated by recent press announcements, people will now start scanning them in the CWA, and be disappointed that "the CWA is broken" or "their CWA version seems to be outdated", while in reality the problem is the particular code, not the CWA.

It would be helpful here, also for the CWA repudiation, when this situation could be clearly identified as "I recognize it, thank you for trying, this one will not work, but others might".

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-10564

vaubaehn commented 2 years ago

Would be nice if it could be implemented quickly.

jkrwdf commented 2 years ago

Regarding the technical feasibility:

I decoded the content of some Luca QR codes I found in the Internet, in real venues and in the Luca App for a private meeting.

All of them start with this text:

and so allow their identification.

While public QR codes postfix this URI directly with a GUID in lower case hexadecimal characters, "Private Meetings" there have a "meeting/GUID", which makes them also identifiable (as "m" from "meeting" cannot be part of a GUID for a public code).

In, @vaubaehn annotated that there is a third type of Luca QR code: The one you can generate in the Luca App for your own identity.

It does not start with the URI from above, however, this "gap" can be ignored for this issue. This check-in method is very seldom, and it seems unlikely that people use the CWA to scan their own Luca QR code (let alone that this is not even possible if you only have a single mobile device).

For the QR code which is present on the physical Luca key-fobs for check-in without mobile phone I have no reference, but consider it as ignorable for this issue also.

dsarkar commented 2 years ago

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-10564

uschindler commented 2 years ago

Hi, I went today through the city of Bremen and scanned every Luca code I found. In short: None of them had the CWA extension enabled.

So what's the plan here? I am quite sure most of those codes here is Bremen were created after May 25th, but for some reason all of them have no CWA extension. They also have the letters "luca" in the center and the QR codes are quite small. All of them only have the URL like described above bat the URL is cropped after the UUID+ #e30. It looks like restaurants here in Bremen seem to forcefully disable CWA extensions because the generated QR code looks nicer and is easier to scan (shorter URL).

The FAQ should also contain a better explanation.

Also why is it not possible to use the LUCA UUID and the backed server of CWA calls Luca's API (this is anonymous because the backed does the request, so no IP addresses are shared with Luca) to get the meeting/location information?

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


You applied the Fix 2.14.2 label here. Is this still current? I did not see any development on a version 2.14.2 in the respective repos yet, only for version 2.15 (and 2.16).

Version 2.14.1 has been released one week ago, normally hot fixes (2.14.2 would be a hot fix release) are provided after some days - 1 1/2 weeks after the initial release.

dsarkar commented 2 years ago

@Ein-Tim Thanks for pointing this out. Dedicated messages for luca QR codes will be implemented at a later stage.

floscher commented 2 years ago

@dsarkar @Ein-Tim Also consider for the wording, that the 'luca locations' app (Play Store/App Store) also still uses the incompatible format for QR codes displayed on phones/tablets of the location owner.
