corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

Central repository to collect community feature requests and improvements. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
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Check-In / -Scan: Suggestion for functional expansion and flexibility ... #713

Open Jo-Achim opened 2 years ago

Jo-Achim commented 2 years ago

With the current "Check-In" function of the CWA, we have an absolutely valuable tool that - in my opinion - remains unjustifiably unused because it is too little known. (See: Adjust to new contagious mutations or other.) Or how many restaurants, hotels, public buildings, medical practices, hairdressers, ... are known that provide the Corona-Warning-App QR-Code for "Check-In"? Cross-references on this subject are given below, too.

The individual points I., II. and III. should be Suggestion Enhancements / Requests for further development, flexibility and simplification of the CWA Check-In function. And they are largely independent of one another.

Based on: CWA v2.14.1 (Android).

I. "Scan" of a Check-In-QR-Code (optional):

Previous implementation: If several check-in QR codes are scanned, this leads to several active "Check-In"s.

New: If a Check-In-QR-Code is scanned (from another location) while a previous "Check-In" is still active - i.e. not checked out manually or automatically - then the (still) active "Check-In" will be terminated automatically. So that as a result, only one "Check-In" can be active at a time.

II. "Check-In" handling:

Previous implementation: For active "Check-In"s only the option "CHECK OUT NOW" is available; apart from "Remove" in the 3-Dot-Menu.

1. New, if it has not yet been checked out (neither 'manually' nor 'automatically'): In addition to "CHECK OUT NOW", an new option "RENEW NOW" ("JETZT VERLÄNGERN") should be available. ("CHECK OUT NOW" works as before.) "RENEW NOW" extends the "Duration" by the time from the Check-In-QR-Code ("Typical length of stay").

E.g.: "Typical length of stay" (QR-Code) = 30 min., Duration = 26 min. = Time left: 4 min. With "RENEW NOW" at this point: new duration = 34 min. (30 + 4).


2. New, if already checked out - provided that a new Check-In-QR-Code has not yet been scanned (see 'I. "Scan" of a Check-In-QR-Code (optional)' above):

Other "Check-In" functions like "Remove" (3-Dot-Menu) remain unchanged.

Functions, such as the entry in the "Contact Diary", are only indirectly affected, as the changes to the time of "Check-Out" must be adopted accordingly.

Remark: "RENEW NOW" could also be carried out in such a way that instead of the fixed time specification from "Typical length of stay" (QR-Code), a time setting option is displayed. Maybe with the default setting from "Typical length of stay".

III. Make "My Check-Ins" accessible under "Are you planning an event?" (optional):

Another idea would be to make the data from "My Check-Ins" available under "Are you planning an event?" (Main-Screen). Then a "Check-In" via "Check-In Yourself" would also be possible without (renewed) scanning of the "Organizer-/Event-QR-Code".

Cross-reference: [CWA vs. Luca]: Promotion of the CWAs "Check-in" functionality ... / Marketing for CWA.

Remark: Cross-reference: RKI's and CWA's screenshots about "Check-In" are out of date....

Expected Benefits

The new functionalities are intended to expand the handling and user-friendliness of the CWA-"Check-In" so that the option can be handled more flexibly. For example, the simple, subsequent and possibly seamless extension of the last / previous "Check-In".

At the same time, an automatic should optionally be inserted that prevents simultaneous "Check-In"s at different locations by automatically ending the last / previous "Check-In" when a new "Check-In" is scanned.

Finally, by making available "My Check-In" entries under "Are you planning an event?" facilitate a quick “Check-In” at already known locations via "Check-In yourself".

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-11342

larswmh commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your suggestion @Jo-Achim. We have created an internal ticket for it and will raise this topic internally. Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-11342

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team