corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

Central repository to collect community feature requests and improvements. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
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Additional risk level for very high risk encounters #765

Open OlympianRevolution opened 2 years ago

OlympianRevolution commented 2 years ago

Feature description

Additional risk level for very high risk encounters (suggestion: at a short range for more than an hour)

Problem and motivation

I know that many people have proposed additional risk levels before, but in light of new situations we must also allow decisions to be revised. Currently many people have frequent red warnings, which may lead them to be ignored. At the same time many encounters especially those below 20-30 minutes are likely made while wearing a mask. In addition it appears that there are many false positives. False positives are worse in a high incidence period because it starts to become similar to a lockdown if everybody is told to reduce contacts needlessly. There are discussions to no longer allow PCR test after red warnings, which would basically mean that contact tracing via CWA has ceased.

I think that especially high risk encounters that are at short range for more than an hour should receive a higher risk warning. Such encounters are much more likely to happen indoors while not wearing a mask, eg at a restaurant or a friends place. Hopefully it would be possible to permit PCR testing equivalent to Gesundheitsamt contact tracing at least for this very high risk category.

Is this something you're interested in working on

Yes but the RKI would have to make this decision

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-11462

larswmh commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your feature request @OlympianRevolution. We have created an internal ticket for it and will raise this topic internally. Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-11462

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team