corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

Central repository to collect community feature requests and improvements. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
Apache License 2.0
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"Warn others: no" setting is ignored on import of a test #850

Open HolgerJeromin opened 2 years ago

HolgerJeromin commented 2 years ago

Avoid duplicates

Technical details

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Scan test QR code (tested with one PCR and two Antigen tests)
  2. Set "warn others: no" in import dialog (as this was the test of my child)
  3. In the test details (result is not known at this time) I can see "warn others: yes"
  4. be happy that you can at least change the setting to "warn others: no" in the test pending dialog

Expected behaviour

I expected that my first choice is kept.

francwalter commented 2 years ago

Hello, I have the problem that I didn't set the warn others to "No" when I got the positive result of PCR of my child, I was a bit in a hurry.

Now the app is warning others from me despite I am negative! Can I check this later, making the warning others undone? Is there only the way to reset all data? Then I have to import all certificates again :(

I miss the feature to import qr codes not for myself but e.g. children. I guess till it's implemented it's over anyway with omikron, which is then great anyway ;) Thank Frank

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

@HolgerJeromin There is no option to undo the warning.

francwalter commented 2 years ago

@HolgerJeromin There is no option to undo the warning.

So I guess it is not meant to import PCR-test-QR-codes of others (e.g. children) anyway?

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


Not really, no.

francwalter commented 2 years ago


Not really, no.

I guess it's no need to put this as feature request now anymore (as Omikron seems to be harmless and one country after another is skipping all COVID-19 restrictions)? Because I don't see any way to get children's result of PCR test when I just get the QR code. My child's doctor gave me that paper with the QR code and there is information about the app. Doctor told me to use it because he won't be able to tell the result in time, too busy.

2022-09-13: amazing that this app still exists. I uninstalled it months ago, since CoVid-19 is not that dangerous anymore (in combination with vacc. etc.). No masks are worn in the most parts of social life and at the moment only germany still insists on laws about it, lonely in europe. I doubt a lot, that this app is still of any use.

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


I really understand your problem and I want to point you to where another user raised the feature request to be able to manage more than one test, however, it was declined.

I opened which requests to add a checkbox "This is my test" and only if ticked others can be warned.

HolgerJeromin commented 2 years ago

@HolgerJeromin There is no option to undo the warning.

Please read my report (pre test result).

@francwalter kind of highjacked my issue with a completely different issue (post test result).

HolgerJeromin commented 2 years ago

Can someone please hide the missleading messages?

dsarkar commented 2 years ago

@HolgerJeromin thanks for the report, we will have a look at this. @francwalter Thanks to you for participating here and giving some feedback. However, please, open another issue for your discussion, or if applicable continue in as suggested above.

mtwalli commented 2 years ago

The app now supports family tests Screenshot 2022-09-13 at 09 07 11 ,but still there is no way to undo the consent once a test is registered. I think this issue should moved to wishlist as it also concerns iOS

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

but still there is no way to undo the consent once a test is registered

I think there actually is under both iOS & Android, or not?

After registering a test I click on the registered test ("Display Test"), scroll to the very bottom, tap on "Consent "Warnt others" granted" & turn the switch off.

But if I understand @HolgerJeromin's report correctly he selected to not warn others in the Google pop up but CWA still displayed that the Consent to warn others was granted.

Under iOS we have a similar problem which is simply caused by the fact that CWA does not get the consent status back from the API, see

mtwalli commented 2 years ago

but still there is no way to undo the consent once a test is registered

I think there actually is under both iOS & Android, or not?

After registering a test I click on the registered test ("Display Test"), scroll to the very bottom, tap on "Consent "Warnt others" granted" & turn the switch off.

But if I understand @HolgerJeromin's report correctly he selected to not warn others in the Google pop up but CWA still displayed that the Consent to warn others was granted.

Under iOS we have a similar problem which is simply caused by the fact that CWA does not get the consent status back from the API, see

I did not get where you can change your consent. can you post a screenshot? Before when a positive was registered user had to give OS consent and CWA consent while registering the test once test is registered there is no way where you can revert this choice from test result details screen.

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


I did not get where you can change your consent. can you post a screenshot?

For sure, I will post a whole screen recording registering a PCR test here, selecting "Don't allow" in the Google pop up to demonstrate the bug @HolgerJeromin is reporting in this issue.

Here's the screen recording:

Here's a screenshot from the Google settings.

As you see, while CWA always displayed that the consent to warn others was granted, the Google settings always reflected the correct state, not granted (as I selected "Don't allow" in the Google pop up while registering the test).

mtwalli commented 2 years ago

@Ein-Tim , I think there is a misunderstanding here. These are two different consents and they are not related to each other. 1- CWA consent 2- Google ENS consent since ENS v1.8 - Rejecting this consent does not mean that CWA consent is disabled. Note that Google consent can be shown only once in 5 days see [requestPreAuthorizedTemporaryExposureKeyHistory()](, you would notice that this dialog does not show up if you try to register a new test again after you rejected it for first test, and keys can still be requested from ENS as of pre v1.8 (another consent will show up the one with 14 days )

As long as the test is pending , you can turn off/on CWA consent ,but not when it is positive, I thought that even if the test was positive , opt out is needed which is not possible in that case.

See this recording to have a better idea

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


Thank you for the clarification, yes indeed, this is really confusing! What exactly does the consent in the CWA itself do?

Help me to understand this using these scenarios:

Scenario 1:

  1. User registers test in the app & denies access in Google pop up but CWA consent stays ON
  2. Test result comes in positive -> CWA can't automatically warn others in this case but will ask the user to share their keys manually

Scenario 2:

  1. User registers test in the app & allows access in the Google pop up but CWA consent is turned OFF
  2. Test result comes in positive -> CWA won't (but could) automatically warn others and won't ask the user to share their keys manually

Is this right?

Maybe @HolgerJeromin could answer whether what I was describing in is also what he was experiencing?

mtwalli commented 2 years ago

@Ein-Tim that is right. As you already mentioned as long as the test is pending user can change CWA consent. I consider this issue as completed

EDIT: For case 2, I think the App will show that user has a positive test and indication that user can warn others ,later on in the flow user will be asked again for his/her consent

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

Thanks for all your explanations @mtwalli!

I'll open a wishlist issue requesting to make this all a bit clearer to the average user.

HolgerJeromin commented 2 years ago

Maybe @HolgerJeromin could answer whether what I was describing in is also what he was experiencing?

yes. Screenshot from your video:


IMO this is a bug or at least very much feels like a bug (exactly the bug I reported here). You did select "not grant" but CWA shows "granted". "Nobody" knows that there are two layers of consent. The "CWA consent of the test" should be initialized with the google consent state.

I consider this issue as completed

I do not. :-)

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


Thanks for confirming you were also confused by this 2 layers of consents thing! I will open a new issue in this repository asking for improving this situation in the course of the next days.

I hope that's OK for you?

HolgerJeromin commented 2 years ago

Do what you like. But (apart from the derailed discussion starting in comment number 2 which should be hidden) I see no point in opening a new one but would reopen this one.

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

I'll have to leave this decision to one of the repository maintainers.

mtwalli commented 2 years ago

@HolgerJeromin why do you still consider this as a bug? What you denied is another consent and as @Ein-Tim shared in his recording you can see this reflected in Google settings (off) You never denied CWA consent and therefore is still on , you can if you want disable it which is possible. These two consents are different and denying one does not mean that you are denying the other.

if that is not clear then I agree with @Ein-Tim a more detailed explanation would be required in this case which is a different topic

HolgerJeromin commented 2 years ago

It is clear for me as a programmer after reading this issue tracker.

A random person interacts with CWA and got a question if he wants to share his test result. He denies a popup (which I never remembered as a Non-CWA popup) and reenters the test and sees that his "choice was not remembered".

You never denied CWA consent

"I was asked something quite similar and answered no, which was not remembered."

I call it it an UX bug. Could be solved if the "cwa-test default" would be the answer of the user dialog.