coronalabs / corona

Solar2D Game Engine main repository (ex Corona SDK)
MIT License
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Really machine #693

Open Chuks14809 opened 3 months ago

Chuks14809 commented 3 months ago

Self help steps before reporting the issue: [ ] Check Solar2D forums for a solution [ ] If Android: make sure Java8 is installed and reported when running java -version and javac -version if not, download and install Java 8

Before reporting A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Platforms involved Building on: macOS 10-15-16/Windows 7-8-10/ Building for: tvOS/iOS/macOS/Windows/HTML5/Linux/Android

Attach your build.settings

Full build log Enable full build log: On macOS:

defaults write com.coronalabs.Corona_Simulator debugBuildProcess  -int 5

On Windows:

reg ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ansca Corona\Corona Simulator\Preferences" /f /v debugBuildProcess /d 5

Before the build clean console and then copy log between backticks below

sekodev commented 2 months ago

It looks like you forgot to put details on your bug report. Can you try it again?