coronalabs / framework-composer

Corona composer.* framework
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Long Term Composer Error #6

Open yousaf-shah opened 2 years ago

yousaf-shah commented 2 years ago

I have been getting this error for some time when creating scenes dynamically - i.e. the scene is not a lua file.

It seems that occasionally (maybe 1 in 500 times?), when switching scenes, although the existing scene is present, the _saveSceneAndHide function is unable to retrieve contentbounds (it returns nil) and Solar2D crashes.

This is causing major issues - can a test for this be placed at the beginning of the _saveSceneAndHide function to prevent it?

`Attempt to index local 'bounds' (a nil value)

File: /Users/vlad/actions-runner/_work/corona/corona/subrepos/composer/composer.lua Line: 618

stack traceback: /Users/vlad/actions-runner/_work/corona/corona/subrepos/composer/composer.lua:618: in function '_saveSceneAndHide' /Users/vlad/actions-runner/_work/corona/corona/subrepos/composer/composer.lua:1423: in function 'gotoScene' maincore.lua:470: in function 'switchToSequence' maincore.lua:1345: in function 'processApiJson' maincore.lua:1520: in function 'listener' /Users/vlad/actions-runner/_work/corona/corona/subrepos/timer/timer.lua:331: in function 'method' /Users/vlad/actions-runner/_work/corona/corona/platform/resources/init.lua:220: in function </Users/vlad/actions-runner/_work/corona/corona/platform/resources/init.lua:189>`

yousaf-shah commented 2 years ago

I have submitted a fix for this - needs checking!