coronalabs / submodule-platform-linux

Linux platform implementation. This is submodule of Corona repository.
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The Corona Simulator #5

Open Larpoux opened 5 years ago

Larpoux commented 5 years ago
cd corona/plateform/linux/CoronaSimulator

When I try to build a Linux App with the Simulator I get the following:Linux builder started Failed to create app folder: /home/larpoux/Documents/Corona Built Apps/Corona

I tried to create /home/larpoux/Documents/Corona Built Apps but it was not better then I tried to create /home/larpoux/Documents/Corona Built Apps/Corona but always the same error then I tried to specify another directory but the Corona Simulator seems to ignore the parameter specified

Shchvova commented 5 years ago

Simulator on Linux, as well as whole Linux platform indeed needs some work.