coronasafe / ayushma

Empowering Nurses with Multilingual ICU Protocols. Leveraging the rapid advancements in AI technology, created multilingual interfaces that assist nurses in rapidly upgrading their knowledge about ICU protocols.
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Different answers when same question tested minutes apart #450

Open aparnacoronasafe opened 3 months ago

aparnacoronasafe commented 3 months ago

The question was: मेरे सेप्टिक शॉक वाले patient का ब्लड शुगर 180 से जयादा है। क्या treatment देना चाहिए?

The quest was always asked on a new chat.

First time: Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 2 24 57 PM

Second time:

Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 2 30 13 PM

Nth time:

Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 2 31 39 PM

It's understanding the question a bit differently everytime.

The chat was always set to hindi. there were no background noise and the questions were asked in same tone and tempo

ishanExtreme commented 3 months ago

It was due to google speech to text not working properly I have fixed OpenAI's whisper STT and is translating speech well.

Ashesh3 commented 3 months ago

@aparnacoronasafe could you confirm if the issue is resolved?