coronasafe / ayushma

Empowering Nurses with Multilingual ICU Protocols. Leveraging the rapid advancements in AI technology, created multilingual interfaces that assist nurses in rapidly upgrading their knowledge about ICU protocols.
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Allow users to upsert web links and direct text (through endpoint) #62

Closed skks1212 closed 1 year ago

skks1212 commented 1 year ago

Currently we are only processing pdf and txt files. Diversify this to take up web links and direct text. Alter the models to store this data as well.

ishanExtreme commented 1 year ago

@skks1212 What is meant by web links? Are we going change the upsert function to process direct text and scrape website from the given link? Can you explain user the flow for this issue

skks1212 commented 1 year ago

@ishanExtreme Yes, you will have to scrape from the URL.

For ex. If we want to scrape data from React docs, we can do that by entering the URL of the page, one page at a time (maybe we can automate that at a later stage)

skks1212 commented 1 year ago

Direct text is a different thing, where we can just enter text directly to a textarea and upsert