coronasafe / ayushma

Empowering Nurses with Multilingual ICU Protocols. Leveraging the rapid advancements in AI technology, created multilingual interfaces that assist nurses in rapidly upgrading their knowledge about ICU protocols.
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Ayushma: Add Feedback #75

Closed skks1212 closed 8 months ago

skks1212 commented 1 year ago

Users should be able to provide feedback to the chat. This should be handled by a Feedback model, which has

Make relevant views and serializers. Feedback should be listed with /feedback url, with possible filters -

Only admins should be able to list and retrieve all feedback. Normal users can only list their own. Feedbacks cannot be deleted.

khavinshankar commented 11 months ago

Hey @skks1212, I have a couple of questions,

  1. In the above description, you mentioned adding user_id as a foreign key, but as the chat itself is user-specific, do we need that? :thinking: image

  2. Second is more like clarification, we should also have thumbs down, right? And as far as storing value goes, liked === null, no feedback; liked === true, thumbs up; and liked === false, thumbs down;

skks1212 commented 11 months ago

Hey @khavinshankar yes we can leave out the user field. And as liked is Boolean, thumbs-up will be ===true and thumbs down will be ===false. It will be a not null field

khavinshankar commented 10 months ago

Hey @skks1212, about /feedback endpoint, is just an endpoint enough or do we need a dedicated screen in the frontend, if so where?

skks1212 commented 10 months ago

@khavinshankar we need the feedback buttons on the chat UI (👍,👎) and a way to list feedbacks in the admin panel, preferably in its own page