coronasafe / leaderboard

Leaderboard collects data from GitHub and Slack to show off the work of our open source contributors
MIT License
13 stars 46 forks source link

Support for Loading Animation when filters are updated #438

Open rithviknishad opened 1 month ago

rithviknishad commented 1 month ago

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Currently, when filters are applied (in the leaderboard and contributor activity timeline), it takes a while for results to be updated, there is no visual feedback indicating that the page is loading.

Add a loading animation when filters are applied.

Suggested package:

rudra321 commented 1 month ago

Hi @rithviknishad , I tried doing this but filters are being applied dynamically via routing. So I'm unable to get proper understanding as to at what point I need to apply this progress bar. Can you suggest please?

A video of what I've done in this, using next-nprogress-bar