coroo / nova-chartjs

A Simple Dashboard Chart in Laravel Nova using Chart JS. Starting create your own dashboard with Chart JS Integration can save your time and help you maintain consistency across standard elements such as Bar, Stacked, Line, Area, Doughnut and Pie Chart.
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[BUG] Erro SQL Generator when using PostgreSQL #112

Closed superior27 closed 2 years ago

superior27 commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

I'm trying to generate a chart, however when I pass the parameter "filter" to SQL Builder, more specifically the file "TotalRecordsController" assembles the query as if I were using MySQL, instead of mounting it for PostgreSQL.

Laravel: 8.40 PHP: 7.4 PostgreSQL: 12 Nova: 3.30 ChartJS: 0.3.5

My Code:

public function cards(Request $request)
        $process_statuses= [
            ["label"=>"INITIAL" ,"color" => "#007BFF"],
            ['label'=>'CONVERTED' ,'color' => '#28A645'],
            ['label'=>'ERROR' ,'color' => '#DC3544'],
            ['label'=>'WAITING_TO_ERICH' ,'color' => '#17A2B8'],
            ['label'=>'WAITING_TO_CONVERT','color' => '#17A2B8']
        $series = [];
        foreach ($process_statuses as $status){

            $new_serie = [
                'label' => $status['label'],
                'barPercentage' => 0.5,
                'backgroundColor' => $status['color'],

            $series = [...$series,$new_serie];
        return [
 (new BarChart())
                ->title('Today Status')
                    'uom' => 'hour',


SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 ERROR:  syntax error at or near "'INITIAL'"
LINE 1: ... process_status = 'INITIAL' then 1 else 0 end) as 'INITIAL',...
                                                             ^ (SQL: select HOUR(facebook_offline_conversions.created_at) AS cat, HOUR(facebook_offline_conversions.created_at) AS catorder, sum(1) counted, SUM(CASE WHEN process_status = 'INITIAL' then 1 else 0 end) as 'INITIAL', SUM(CASE WHEN process_status = 'CONVERTED' then 1 else 0 end) as 'CONVERTED', SUM(CASE WHEN process_status = 'ERROR' then 1 else 0 end) as 'ERROR', SUM(CASE WHEN process_status = 'WAITING_TO_ERICH' then 1 else 0 end) as 'WAITING_TO_ERICH', SUM(CASE WHEN process_status = 'WAITING_TO_CONVERT' then 1 else 0 end) as 'WAITING_TO_CONVERT' from "facebook_offline_conversions" where facebook_offline_conversions.created_at >= 2021-10-28 00:00:00 group by "catorder", "cat" order by "catorder" asc)

Migration of the my database:

Schema::create('facebook_offline_conversions', function (Blueprint $table) {
superior27 commented 2 years ago

I'm resolving this problem. solution can be found at this link