coroot / coroot-node-agent

A Prometheus exporter based on eBPF that gathers comprehensive container metrics
Apache License 2.0
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AWS ECS agent support #6

Open sumeet-zuora opened 1 year ago

sumeet-zuora commented 1 year ago

Can we run this on AWS ECS? and get metrics for node, container and logs

def commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, in the case of AWS ECS, it is not possible to collect metrics at the node level (because ECS is a serverless solution) and those based on eBPF (due to very limited privileges). Thus, node-agent cannot be used to monitor containers running on ECS. Perhaps we will implement the collection of ECS container metrics as part of aws-agent.

sc7565 commented 1 year ago

But, is possible to only do log analysis and turn off other features of agent like node metrics and network metrics?