corpnewt / GenSMBIOS

Py script that uses acidanthera's macserial to generate SMBIOS and optionally saves them to a plist.
MIT License
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(Network Issue) Error #6

Open greengem opened 4 years ago

greengem commented 4 years ago

Checked internet connection but getting these errors:

  1. Install/Update MacSerial - Gathering latest macserial info...Error checking for updates (network issue)
  2. Generate SMBIOS - Gathering latest macserial info...Error checking for updates (network issue)
  3. List Current SMBIOS - MacSerial binary not found.
ellbosch commented 4 years ago

Same here. Using Python 3 (in a virtual environment) on macOS Catalina.

riley21 commented 4 years ago

Same here.

brettbulthuis commented 4 years ago

Hitting the same problem as I build my EFI following the Dortania Guide

ellbosch commented 4 years ago

For those struggling on this: my workaround was spinning up an Ubuntu 18:04 Docker container and running GenSMBIOS there.

wtfloris commented 3 years ago

For those without Docker experience: install docker and run the following

docker run -ti -v /path/to/GenSMBIOS/folder:/var/gensmb ubuntu /bin/sh
apt update
apt install python -y
greengem commented 3 years ago

I did some testing and the errors I posted are only occurring in OS X on my real MacBook Pro 2008 and MacPro 2007 running Yosemite latest, works fine on my z97 and z490 opencore machines high Sierra, Mojave and Catalina.

Linux workaround posted above works.

wtfloris commented 3 years ago

Same, only had this issue on my real 2015 MBP. Hackintosh works without a hitch.

Heh, ironic.

ghost commented 3 years ago

[ Solution ]


The easiest thing is place macserial.exe under Script folder, which could be download from MacInfoPkg release of windows version. Of Source, GenSMBIOS windows version will work fine up to now.


Place these zip & unziped folder under Script folder. This step may not necessary.

Added with macserial.exe, there are 7 files or folder in Script folder that we place.

EndangeredNayla commented 2 years ago

20, i explained the error, why it happens and what a valid fix is

SirisX commented 1 year ago

[ Solution ]


The easiest thing is place macserial.exe under Script folder, which could be download from MacInfoPkg release of windows version. Of Source, GenSMBIOS windows version will work fine up to now.


Place these zip & unziped folder under Script folder. ~This step may not necessary~.

Added with macserial.exe, there are 7 files or folder in Script folder that we place.

What 7 files or folders are you talking about? Also there is no macserial.exe file from the MacInfo windows release, there's a macserial32.exe that I see.. is that the file to use? I tried adding that file and all the folders you mentioned to download and add to the Scripts folder zipped and unzipped and it didn't work.

davids74 commented 11 months ago

What 7 files or folders are you talking about? Also there is no macserial.exe file from the MacInfo windows release, there's a macserial32.exe that I see.. is that the file to use? I tried adding that file and all the folders you mentioned to download and add to the Scripts folder zipped and unzipped and it didn't work.

It did work for me. I selected 2. first and chose config.plist on my newly created usb drive, then created the zip unzip files in scripts folder and copied the 4 macinfo files from here which contain the macserial.exe and voila, it asks for how many times I want to generate and once done shows "flushing to selected plist".

I do not understand what 7 files is about. But I gather that GenSMBIOS gathered the open core version from the USB that contains the config.plist.

BTW GenSMBIOS does not gather any info from system it is run on. For example generate MacBookPro14,1 SMBIOS on Ivy Bridge El Capitan for a Kaby Lake Big Sur install. It just asks the model you want. The list of available choices is here