The embedded Python Molecular Viewer (ePMV) runs molecular modeling software directly inside of professional 3D animation applications (hosts) to provide simultaneous access the capabilities of all of the systems.
Can you turn off the PMV camera by default... would be nice to keep this 'add PMV camera' as an option in the preferences, but it should be off by default.
Chris says it is not immediately selectable to a new user (you have turn on some 'allow select' option), so it is hard to delete and is a big visual distraction.
Can you turn off the PMV camera by default... would be nice to keep this 'add PMV camera' as an option in the preferences, but it should be off by default.
Chris says it is not immediately selectable to a new user (you have turn on some 'allow select' option), so it is hard to delete and is a big visual distraction.