The embedded Python Molecular Viewer (ePMV) runs molecular modeling software directly inside of professional 3D animation applications (hosts) to provide simultaneous access the capabilities of all of the systems.
Big issue for Chris: He wants to select vertices in the line representation and delete them to use a new thick line representation option (something available in Blender and in 3dsMax that is similar but a bit more controlled than metaballs-on-a-spline in C4D). For some reason, however, just selected the vertices in the line represenation causes Blender to freeze after about 10 seconds.
Big issue for Chris: He wants to select vertices in the line representation and delete them to use a new thick line representation option (something available in Blender and in 3dsMax that is similar but a bit more controlled than metaballs-on-a-spline in C4D). For some reason, however, just selected the vertices in the line represenation causes Blender to freeze after about 10 seconds.