Hello, I am able to use clock v0.7.2 with QuickCheck in Windows 10 x86_64, however, when I try to do this in Windows 10 x86, then GHC complains of an unknown symbol error.
PS C:\> shake
ghc.exe: | C:\Users\vagrant\AppData\Roaming\cabal\i386-windows-ghc-8.4.2\clock-0.7.2-ErKmPTjVISxJnEb
9XKUAOs\HSclock-0.7.2-ErKmPTjVISxJnEb9XKUAOs.o: unknown symbol `___divmoddi4'
Shakefile.hs: Shakefile.hs: unable to load package `clock-0.7.2'
import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.FilePath
import System.Directory as Dir
import System.Info as Info
main :: IO ()
main = do
let tarball = "dist/mo-0.0.1.tar.gz"
homeDir <- Dir.getHomeDirectory
shakeArgs shakeOptions{ shakeFiles="dist" } $ do
want ["dist/bin/mo" <.> exe]
"dist/bin/mo" <.> exe %> \out ->
cmd_ "cabal" "install" "--bindir" "dist/bin"
phony "hlint" $
cmd_ "hlint" "."
phony "lint" $
need $ case (Info.os, Info.arch) of
("mingw32", "i386") -> []
_ -> ["hlint"]
phony "unitTest" $
cmd_ "cabal" "test"
phony "integrationTest" $ do
need ["dist/bin/mo" <.> exe]
cmd_ ("dist/bin/mo" <.> exe) "-t"
phony "test" $
need ["unitTest", "integrationTest"]
phony "install" $
cmd_ "cabal" "install"
phony "uninstall" $ do
cmd_ "ghc-pkg" "unregister" "--force" "mo"
removeFilesAfter homeDir ["/.cabal/bin/mo" <.> exe]
phony "build" $
cmd_ "cabal" "build"
phony "haddock" $
cmd_ "cabal" "haddock"
tarball %> \_ -> do
need ["build", "haddock"]
cmd_ "cabal" "sdist"
phony "sdist" $
need [tarball]
phony "publish" $ do
need ["sdist"]
cmd_ "cabal" "upload" tarball
phony "clean" $
cmd_ "cabal" "clean"
Hello, I am able to use clock v0.7.2 with QuickCheck in Windows 10 x86_64, however, when I try to do this in Windows 10 x86, then GHC complains of an unknown symbol error.