corsis / clock

High-resolution clock functions: monotonic, realtime, cputime.
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Remove hack for the older OSX. #63

Closed qnikst closed 3 years ago

qnikst commented 3 years ago

clock_gettime has been available since macOS 10.12. Current code leads to the 10x speed penalty comparing to the use of the clock_gettime call, so it's better to move to it.

Fixes #60

CetinSert commented 3 years ago

@qnikst - thank you!

CetinSert commented 3 years ago


I tried making a new release on hackage but got hit with

Packages using 'cabal-version: >= 1.10' must specify the 'default-language' field for each component (e.g. Haskell98 or Haskell2010). If a component uses different languages in different modules then list the other ones in the 'other-languages' field.

using this clock.cabal

name:          clock
stability:     stable
synopsis:      High-resolution clock functions: monotonic, realtime, cputime.
description:   A package for convenient access to high-resolution clock and
               timer functions of different operating systems via a unified API.
               POSIX code and surface API was developed by Cetin Sert in 2009.
               Windows code was contributed by Eugene Kirpichov in 2010.
               FreeBSD code was contributed by Finn Espen Gundersen on 2013-10-14.
               OS X code was contributed by Gerolf Seitz on 2013-10-15.
               Derived @Generic@, @Typeable@ and other instances for @Clock@ and @TimeSpec@ was contributed by Mathieu Boespflug on 2014-09-17.
               Corrected dependency listing for @GHC < 7.6@ was contributed by Brian McKenna on 2014-09-30.
               Windows code corrected by Dimitri Sabadie on 2015-02-09.
               Added @timeSpecAsNanoSecs@ as observed widely-used by Chris Done on 2015-01-06, exported correctly on 2015-04-20.
               Imported Control.Applicative operators correctly for Haskell Platform on Windows on 2015-04-21.
               Unit tests and instance fixes by Christian Burger on 2015-06-25.
               Removal of fromInteger : Integer -> TimeSpec by Cetin Sert on 2015-12-15.
               New Linux-specific Clocks: MonotonicRaw, Boottime, MonotonicCoarse, RealtimeCoarse by Cetin Sert on 2015-12-15.
               Reintroduction of fromInteger : Integer -> TimeSpec by Cetin Sert on 2016-04-05.
               Fixes for older Linux build failures introduced by new Linux-specific clocks by Mario Longobardi on 2016-04-18.
               Refreshment release in 2019-04 after numerous contributions.
               Refactoring for Windows, Mac implementation consistence by Alexander Vershilov on 2021-01-16.
               [Version Scheme]
               Major-@/R/@-ewrite . New-@/F/@-unctionality . @/I/@-mprovementAndBugFixes . @/P/@-ackagingOnly
               * @PackagingOnly@ changes are made for quality assurance reasons.

copyright:     Copyright © Cetin Sert 2009-2016, Eugene Kirpichov 2010, Finn Espen Gundersen 2013, Gerolf Seitz 2013, Mathieu Boespflug 2014 2015, Chris Done 2015, Dimitri Sabadie 2015, Christian Burger 2015, Mario Longobardi 2016, Alexander Vershilov 2021.
license:       BSD3
license-file:  LICENSE
author:        Cetin Sert <>, Corsis Research
maintainer:    Cetin Sert <>, Corsis Research
category:      System
build-type:    Simple
cabal-version: >= 1.10

source-repository head
    type:      git
    location:  git://

flag llvm
    description: compile via LLVM
    default    : False

    default-language: Haskell2010
    if impl (ghc < 7.6)
      build-depends:       base >= 4.4 && <= 5, ghc-prim
    build-depends:       base >= 2 && <= 5
    exposed-modules:     System.Clock
    extensions:          DeriveGeneric
    if os(windows)
      c-sources:         cbits/hs_clock_win32.c
    include-dirs:        cbits
    ghc-options:         -O3 -Wall

    if flag(llvm)
      ghc-options:       -fllvm -optlo-O3

test-suite test
    default-language: Haskell2010
        base >= 4 && < 5
      , tasty >= 0.10
      , tasty-quickcheck
      , clock

benchmark benchmarks
    default-language: Haskell2010
        base >= 4 && < 5
      , criterion
      , clock

  1. Do you happen to know what to change to ensure I can upload a new cabal new-sdist to hackage?
  2. Is hackage still the only place to upload Haskell packages to or is/are there new repostior-y/-ies I should be aware of?
qnikst commented 3 years ago

Hello, @cetinsert, I'll be able to make PR for cabal file this evening (in 6-8 hours) is that works for you. I expect that I may miss some change if reply here right now. And yes, currently hackage is the only repo you should care about.

CetinSert commented 3 years ago

@qnikst - thank you again! I will be looking forward to your cabal PR and upload right after to hackage.