cortes-ciriano-lab / SComatic

A tool for detecting somatic variants in single cell data
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Variant annotation #5

Closed FredoJones closed 1 year ago

FredoJones commented 1 year ago

Hey, great tool! I just had a follow-up question. I ran your pipeline and everything went down smoothly. I was wondering if you had come up with a solution to annotate variants (i.e. obtain gene, cDNA, protein change annotation on the variants reported), since the output files do not look like canonical VCFs. Tools like funcotator or others require state of the art VCF files to run. It is also possible that I missed this step in your pipeline. Thank you in advance, FJ

Francesc-Muyas commented 1 year ago

Dear user, Thanks for using our tool and for bringing up this interesting question.

In our manuscript, we have annotated all our variants using annovar. With a couple of command lines, we can adapt our variant calling output for this annotation tool. Using our example data, we should run these lines:

1. Preparing SComatic output for annovar


grep -v '#' Example.calling.step2.pass.tsv |  tr '\t' '-' | awk -F'-' -v OFS='\t' '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$0}' > sample.variants.avinput

2. Annotate variants using the annovar-ready variant file

perl $ANNOVAR/ sample.variants.avinput \
                $hummandb -buildver hg38 \
                -out sample.variants.annovar \
                -remove -protocol refGene,cytoBand,exac03,avsnp147,dbnsfp30a,gnomad_genome -operation g,r,f,f,f,f \
                -nastring . -csvout -polish --otherinfo

This step will generate a comma-separated file (.csv) called _sample.variants.annovar.hg38multianno.csv , which can be easily opened and processed in your more desired software (R, excel...). The output should look like this:


As you will notice, the first few columns of the file have the annotation information provided by annovar (Gene, region, impact, Gnomad allele frequencies...). Importantly, the final column of the csv file (Otherinfo) shows all the info found in the original Example.calling.step2.pass.tsv, but separated by the symbol "-" . The column names of each one of these Otherinfo items are the same as the ones found in the Example.calling.step2.pass.tsv :

> grep '^#CHROM' Example.calling.step2.pass.tsv

#CHROM  Start   End REF ALT FILTER  Cell_types  Up_context  Down_context    N_ALT   Dp  Nc  Bc  Cc  VAF CCF BCp CCp Cell_types_min_BC   Cell_types_min_CC   Rest_BC Rest_CC Fisher_p    Cell_type_Filter    INFO    Myeloids    Epithelial_cells    Stromal_cells

Of course, depending on the columns you want to keep for the annotation process, you might slightly change the command line in the step 1 described above, as well as the parameters provided in the annovar computation. The parameters provided here are the ones used in our manuscript.

Thanks again for your feedback, Fran