corteva / rioxarray

geospatial xarray extension powered by rasterio
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band_as_variable ignores VRT warping #644

Closed alpha-beta-soup closed 1 year ago

alpha-beta-soup commented 1 year ago
import rasterio as rio
from rasterio import crs
from rasterio.enums import Resampling
from rasterio.vrt import WarpedVRT
import rioxarray
import xarray as xr

resampling = 'average'
warp_args : dict = {
    'resampling': Resampling._member_map_[resampling],
    'crs': crs.CRS.from_epsg(4326), # Input raster must be converted to WGS84 (4326) for H3 indexing
    'warp_mem_limit': 12000
with as src:
    with WarpedVRT(src,, **warp_args) as vrt:
        da : xr.Dataset = rioxarray.open_rasterio(
            band_as_variable=True # <---- !!
array([1831067.831059, 1831077.828418, 1831087.825776, ..., 1856771.040311,
       1856781.03767 , 1856791.035028])

In contast, the same code with band_as_variable=False gives:

array([175.666845, 175.666949, 175.667054, ..., 175.972549, 175.972654,

The latter has correctly respected the WarpedVRT transformation to EPSG:4326, but the former has retained coordinates in my input projection and seems to ignore the VRT CRS. This is a problem because I need to transform to 4326 prior to performing an H3 index on cell data for later system integration.

Environment Information

python = "^3.10"
gdal = "^3.6.2"
geopandas = "^0.12.2"
h3pandas = "^0.2.3"
rioxarray = "^0.13.4"
dask-geopandas = "^0.3.0"
pyarrow = "^11.0.0"
dask = "^2023.3.0"
click = "^8.1.3"


Installed with poetry (pyenv).

snowman2 commented 1 year ago

Yes, looks like it happens after the band_as_variable:

alpha-beta-soup commented 1 year ago

I can work around it by doing a table pivot on the band column; but this does make it more awkward to label bands after their descriptions rather than as integers (which is important for my case).