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Compilation of miscellaneous issues #86

Closed MyNameIsTrez closed 1 year ago

MyNameIsTrez commented 3 years ago

Enemies sometimes don't attack in the OMA Diggers Only scenario:

I was pretty much giving this dude a handshake.
They just stood there for a long time, maybe because their AI thinks that they were at a good shooting range?

Global Script "Constant Gold Income" keeps giving gold in the Editor Mode in the Metagame & Wave Defense

The Base.rte/Constant Gold Income Global Script that's in CCCP keeps giving gold even while in the editor mode, and the editor mode stays open for as long as you wish in both the Metagame when you attack a site and when a round is over in Wave Defense. This means that when you stay in the editor mode for too long the scenario becomes way too easy, which ruins the immersion.

The Ronin brain unit doesn't get a Constructor in the Metagame

This isn't intentional according to 4zK.

Give the bunker pieces logical prices

A lot of the bunker pieces have illogical prices, take forever the Assemblies in the screenshot below. The top one has the same cost as the bottom one, even though the bottom one has two extra doors and they're identical in all other aspects.


Concrete built by a Constructor has holes

Built by an enemy brain.
Built by an actor on my team.

Culled clones aren't able to punch

The Culled Clone, Thin Culled Clone and Fat Culled Clone aren't able to punch.