Any data coming from the lilrig has some delays compared to the correct alignement. I believe it is correct because of the aud evoked movement is apparent only if i align with the lilrig code.
Example dataset: \\znas\FT009\2021-01-20\8
Lilrig time alignement: face_timeStamps.mat
lilrig alignment code:
function alignVideo_lilrig(mouseName, thisDate, expNum, movieName, varargin)
% function alignVideo(mouseName, thisDate, expNum, movieName[, params])
% reposName = 'master';
% timelineExpNums = expNum;
% tlSyncName = 'camSync';
% silentMode = true;
% recompute = false;
% nFramesToLoad = 3000;
switch movieName
case 'eye'
strobeName = 'eyeCamStrobe';
case 'face'
strobeName = 'faceCamStrobe';
case 'fastface'
strobeName = 'faceCamStrobe';
strobeName = 'unknown';
% if ~isempty(varargin)
% params = varargin{1};
% if isfield(params, 'reposName')
% reposName = params.reposName;
% end
% if isfield(params, 'timelineExpNums')
% timelineExpNums = params.timelineExpNums;
% end
% if isfield(params, 'strobeName')
% strobeName = params.strobeName;
% end
% if isfield(params, 'tlSyncName')
% tlSyncName = params.tlSyncName;
% end
% if isfield(params, 'silentMode')
% silentMode = params.silentMode;
% end
% if isfield(params, 'recompute')
% recompute = params.recompute;
% end
% if isfield(params, 'nFramesToLoad')
% nFramesToLoad = params.nFramesToLoad;
% end
% end
% assert(~strcmp(strobeName, 'unknown'), 'please provide params.strobeName');
% %%
% % mouseName = 'Dam';
% % thisDate = '2016-08-26';
% % expNum = 1;
% % movieName = 'eye';
% movieDir = fileparts(dat.expFilePath(mouseName, thisDate, expNum, 'eyetracking', reposName));
% intensFile = fullfile(fileparts(dat.expFilePath(mouseName, thisDate, expNum, 'eyetracking', reposName)), ...
% [movieName '_avgIntensity.mat']);
% if recompute && exist(intensFile, 'file')
% delete(intensFile);
% end
% expNum=7;
% mouseName='FT009';
% thisDate='2021-01-20';
timelineExpNums = expNum;
tlSyncName = 'camSync';
recompute = false;
nFramesToLoad = 3000;
% if isfield(params, 'recompute')
% recompute = params.recompute;
% end
% if isfield(params, 'nFramesToLoad')
% nFramesToLoad = params.nFramesToLoad;
% end
folderTools = 'C:\Users\Flora\Documents\Github';
addpath(genpath(fullfile(folderTools, 'AV_passive')));
addpath(genpath(fullfile(folderTools, 'npy-matlab')));
addpath(genpath(fullfile(folderTools, 'kilotrodeRig')));
addpath(genpath(fullfile(folderTools, 'spikes')));
% should have a way to generalize (dat.expFilePath should be helpful,
% but isn't working with the current split in servers...
% Should insist a bit more though)
server = '\\\Subjects\';
if ~exist(fullfile(server,mouseName, thisDate, num2str(expNum)),'dir')
server = '\\\Subjects\';
movieDir = fullfile(server, mouseName, thisDate, num2str(expNum));
intensFile = fullfile(server, mouseName, thisDate, num2str(expNum), ...
[movieName '_avgIntensity.mat']);
% have to deal with the "lastFrames" file. Pretty annoying.
intensFile_lastFrames = fullfile(server, mouseName, thisDate, num2str(expNum), ...
[movieName '_lastFrames_avgIntensity.mat']);
if recompute && exist(intensFile, 'file')
if recompute && exist(intensFile_lastFrames, 'file')
% if ~exist(intensFile, 'file')
% fprintf(1, 'computing average intensity of first/last frames...\n');
% if silentMode
% ROI = avgMovieIntensity(movieDir, movieName, [], true, [], [], nFramesToLoad);
% else
% ROI = avgMovieIntensity(movieDir, movieName, [], true, 'ask', [], nFramesToLoad);
% end
% end
if ~exist(intensFile, 'file')
fprintf(1, 'computing average intensity of first/last frames...\n');
ROI = avgMovieIntensity(movieDir, movieName, [], true, [], [], nFramesToLoad);
fprintf(1, 'loading avg intensity\n');
%% first detect the pulses in the avgIntensity trace
expectedNumSyncs = numel(timelineExpNums)*2; % one at the beginning and end of each timeline file
vidIntensThresh = [15 20];
[intensTimes, intensUp, intensDown] = schmittTimes(1:numel(avgIntensity), avgIntensity, vidIntensThresh);
attemptNum = 1; loadAttemptNum = 1;
% try some different approaches to get the right threshold
% automatically...
switch attemptNum
case 1
vidIntensThresh = min(avgIntensity)*[1.2 1.4];
case 2
intensMed = median(avgIntensity);
intensMin = min(avgIntensity);
vidIntensThresh = intensMin+(intensMed-intensMin)*[0.4 0.6];
case 3
vidIntensThresh = intensMin+(intensMed-intensMin)*[0.15 0.25];
switch loadAttemptNum
case 1
fprintf(1, 'trying to load more frames...\n')
avgMovieIntensity(movieDir, movieName, [], true, ROI, [], 10000);
attemptNum = 0;
case 2
fprintf(1, 'trying to load all frames...\n')
avgMovieIntensity(movieDir, movieName, [], true, ROI);
attemptNum = 0;
fprintf(1, 'cannot find a threshold that works. You tell me...\n');
figure; plot(avgIntensity);
loadAttemptNum = loadAttemptNum+1;
[intensTimes, intensUp, intensDown] = schmittTimes(1:numel(avgIntensity), avgIntensity, vidIntensThresh);
attemptNum = attemptNum +1;
assert(numel(intensDown)==expectedNumSyncs, 'could not find correct number of syncs');
fprintf(1, 'found the sync pulses in the video\n');
% usually these are TTL and pretty much anything between 0 adn 5 will work
% but here I use a small value because for the whisker camera I didn't have
% TTL so this works for that too.
% need to search for this in a more complex manner - maybe kmeans see at
% the bottom
%tlStrobeThresh = [0.08 0.25];
tlSyncThresh = [2 2.5];
tVid = NaN(size(avgIntensity));
for tInd = 1:numel(timelineExpNums)
fprintf(1, 'loading timeline\n');
%load(dat.expFilePath(mouseName, thisDate, timelineExpNums(tInd), 'Timeline', reposName));
% load the timeline in another way....
%check strobe counts against the number of frames between sync events that
%were actually in the video
% find the timeline samples where cam sync pulses started (went
% from 0 to 5V)
syncIndex = find(strcmp({}, tlSyncName));
tlSync = Timeline.rawDAQData(:,syncIndex);
[~, tlSyncOnSamps, ~] = schmittTimes(1:numel(tlSync), tlSync, tlSyncThresh);
% find the strobe times for the camera
strobeIndex = find(strcmp({}, strobeName));
tlStrobe = Timeline.rawDAQData(:,strobeIndex);
tlStrobeThresh = [min(thresh) + range(thresh)*0.2; max(thresh) - range(thresh)*0.2];
[~,strobeSamps,~] = schmittTimes(1:numel(tlStrobe), tlStrobe, tlStrobeThresh);
vidSyncOnFrames = intensUp([1 2]+(tInd-1)*2);
numStrobesFoundBetweenSyncs = sum(strobeSamps>=tlSyncOnSamps(1) & strobeSamps<tlSyncOnSamps(2));
numFramesFoundBetweenSyncs = diff(vidSyncOnFrames);
framesMissed = numStrobesFoundBetweenSyncs-numFramesFoundBetweenSyncs;
framesMissedPerSec = framesMissed/(diff(tlSyncOnSamps)/Timeline.hw.daqSampleRate);
fprintf(1, 'missed %d frames, for %.2f frames missed/sec\n', framesMissed, framesMissedPerSec);
if abs(framesMissed)<=2 && abs(framesMissed)>0
fprintf(1, 'values of +/-2 are normal, can happen when you get exposures across part of the cam sync onsets\n');
elseif abs(framesMissed)>2
fprintf(1, 'too many missed frames! Figure out how to reduce it. Will interpolate frame times linearly.\n');
% get the actual timestamps for the video in question.
% need to make this a function
tt = Timeline.rawDAQTimestamps;
if framesMissed==0
% best case, use the strobe times exactly
tVid(vidSyncOnFrames(1)+1:vidSyncOnFrames(2)) = ...
tt(strobeSamps(strobeSamps>=tlSyncOnSamps(1) & strobeSamps<tlSyncOnSamps(2)));
% otherwise interpolate from first to last
tVid(vidSyncOnFrames(1)+1:vidSyncOnFrames(2)) = ...
linspace(tt(strobeSamps(find(strobeSamps>=tlSyncOnSamps(1),1))), ...
tt(strobeSamps(find(strobeSamps<tlSyncOnSamps(2),1, 'last'))), ...
% fill in the timestamps before and after sync pulses
vidFs = 1/(mean(diff(strobeSamps))/Timeline.hw.daqSampleRate);
if tInd==1
% only fill in before sync pulses if it's the first timeline file,
% otherwise we'll overwrite the previous timestamps.
tVid(1:vidSyncOnFrames(1)) = (-vidSyncOnFrames(1):-1)/vidFs+tVid(vidSyncOnFrames(1)+1);
tVid(vidSyncOnFrames(2)+1:end) = (1:numel(tVid(vidSyncOnFrames(2)+1:end)))/vidFs+tVid(vidSyncOnFrames(2));
saveName = fullfile(exploc, ...
[movieName '_timeStamps.mat']);
fprintf(1, 'saving to %s\n', saveName)
save(saveName, 'tVid', 'vidFs');
Any data coming from the lilrig has some delays compared to the correct alignement. I believe it is correct because of the aud evoked movement is apparent only if i align with the lilrig code.
Example dataset:
Lilrig time alignement:face_timeStamps.mat
lilrig alignment code: