Closed k1o0 closed 4 years ago
For prosperity, the problem is simply that someone saved some unwanted variables into the hardware file of a training rig:
>> rig = hw.devices('ZYM3',false)
rig = struct with fields:
Fs: 48000
ans: 6.1463e+03
audioDevices: [1×10 struct]
clkS: [8×12000 double]
deviceIdx: 8
devices: [1×9 struct]
fBnk: [1×1 struct]
hostname: 'Zym3↵'
i: -90
mouseInput: [1×1 hw.DaqRotaryEncoder]
nChan: 8
pNoi: [8×480000 single]
pahandle: 0
sLab: [3 2 6 7 5 4 1 8]
screens: [1×3 struct]
stimViewingModel: [1×1 hw.PseudoCircularScreenViewingModel]
stimWindow: [1×1 hw.ptb.Window]
timeline: [1×1 hw.Timeline]
wavedata: [8×12000 double]
scale: [1×1 hw.WeighingScale]
daqController: [1×1 hw.DaqController]
name: 'ZYM3'
clock: [1×1 hw.ptb.Clock]
useDaq: 1
GitHash: '87a5e1f8085c1779a9efa00fa0172aa213b6dc2a'
paths: [1×1 struct]
The issue specifically is caused by the fBnk
>> rig.fBnk
ans =
struct with fields:
sRsp: [7×26215 double]
invF: [7×26215 double]
sFlt: [7×257 double]
fFrq: [1×26215 double]
rndF: [100×101 double]
cFlt: [1×1 dfilt.df2sos]
wFlt: [1×1 dfilt.df2sos]
rmsA: [2.4967 2.3047 2.4567 2.4686 2.4269 2.3180 2.5067]
Occurs for mouse LEW032.