corybrunson / ggalluvial

ggplot2 extension for alluvial plots
GNU General Public License v3.0
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overhaul format conversion functions #53

Open corybrunson opened 4 years ago

corybrunson commented 4 years ago

The convenience functions is_*_form() and to_*_form() need a few upgrades:

For consistency between these functions and the layers, it may be prudent to deprecate axis[0-9]+ in favor of x[0-9]+, which would better harmonize with the natural y[0-9]+ that would be used to specify variable y values.

corybrunson commented 4 years ago

Because the key and value parameters came from tidyr::gather() and tidyr::spread(), whereas some, probably all, of the internal pivoting will be switched to tidyr::pivot_*(), this would be a good time to deprecate these and the id parameters in favor of the x, stratum, and alluvium parameters used by the layers.

corybrunson commented 4 years ago

There is now a whole book on tidy evaluation, which may be useful for improving the readability and efficiency of the parameter change.

corybrunson commented 1 year ago


Also, as the established to_*_form() functions may take a while to deprecate, their tidyr::pivot_*()-based superseders might better be given new names, e.g. pivot_to_*(), so that both could exist simultaneously.

olivroy commented 7 months ago

I understand. I could take a look. There are some useful docs on the rlang website. I think it is worth removing the dep on lazyeval to make things more consistent.

I also spotted a defunct function: dplyr::vars_select() in the ggalluvial codebase. its stated replacement is tidyselect::eval_select().